pyaerocom jupyter notebook

Model evaluation using pyaerocom

After this introduction, you will know how to:

  • Search for model and observation data in the provided database
  • Read model and observation data
  • Explore the data (GriddedData and UngriddedData)
  • Colocate data and assess model performance (ColocatedData)
  • Convert from pyaerocom to other common libraries such as pandas or xarray
  • Store intermediate results as NetCDF that may be used for further analysis.

Pyaerocom API


Get started

import pyaerocom as pya
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from warnings import filterwarnings
pya.change_verbosity('critical', log=pya.const.print_log) # don't output warnings

Please make sure to use version 0.8.1.dev2 (or later). If you have an earlier version, follow these instructions in order to update your installation.

Change basic data directory to location of pyaerocom-testdata

import socket
if socket.gethostname() == 'pc4971':
    print('I am on Jonas PC')
    DATA_BASEDIR = '/home/jonasg/MyPyaerocom/pyaerocom-testdata'
    print('I assume I am on the Abisko Jupyter hub')
    DATA_BASEDIR = '/home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/'
I assume I am on the Abisko Jupyter hub

Searching for available data in pyaerocom-testdata (method browse_database)

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data ID: TM5_AP3-CTRL2019
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/TM5_AP3-CTRL2019/renamed
Available experiments: ['AP3-CTRL2019']
Available years: [2010]
Available frequencies ['monthly']
Available variables: ['abs350aer', 'abs440aer', 'abs440dryaer', 'abs550aer', 'abs550dryaer', 'abs550drylt1aer', 'abs870aer', 'abs870dryaer', 'airmass', 'asyaer', 'asydryaer', 'depbc', 'depdms', 'depdust', 'dephno3', 'depmsa', 'depn', 'depnh3', 'depnh4', 'depnhx', 'depno2', 'depno3', 'depnoy', 'depo3', 'depoa', 'deps', 'depso2', 'depso4', 'depss', 'dh', 'drybc', 'drydms', 'drydust', 'dryhno3', 'drynh3', 'dryno2', 'dryno3', 'drynoy', 'dryo3', 'dryoa', 'dryso2', 'dryso4', 'dryss', 'ec440dryaer', 'ec550aer', 'ec550dryaer', 'ec550drylt1aer', 'ec870dryaer', 'emibc', 'emico', 'emidms', 'emidust', 'emiisop', 'emin', 'eminh3', 'eminox', 'emioa', 'emis', 'emiso2', 'emiso4', 'emiss', 'emiterp', 'emivoc', 'hus', 'loadbc', 'loaddust', 'loadno3', 'loadoa', 'loadso4', 'loadss', 'od350aer', 'od440aer', 'od550aer', 'od550aerh2o', 'od550bc', 'od550dust', 'od550lt1aer', 'od550lt1dust', 'od550lt1ss', 'od550no3', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550ss', 'od870aer', 'pr', 'sconcbc', 'sconcdust', 'sconcmsa', 'sconcnh4', 'sconcno3', 'sconcoa', 'sconcso4', 'sconcss', 'ta', 'temp', 'vmrch4', 'vmrco', 'vmrno', 'vmrno2', 'vmro3', 'vmroh', 'wetbc', 'wetdms', 'wetdust', 'wethno3', 'wetmsa', 'wetnh3', 'wetnh4', 'wetno3', 'wetnoy', 'wetoa', 'wetso2', 'wetso4', 'wetss']

You can use the Data ID or the Data directory to read this dataset (next step)

Reading of model data (ReadGridded class)

DATA_ID = 'TM5_AP3-CTRL2019'
reader =
Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data ID: TM5_AP3-CTRL2019
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/TM5_AP3-CTRL2019/renamed
Available experiments: ['AP3-CTRL2019']
Available years: [2010]
Available frequencies ['monthly']
Available variables: ['abs350aer', 'abs440aer', 'abs440dryaer', 'abs550aer', 'abs550dryaer', 'abs550drylt1aer', 'abs870aer', 'abs870dryaer', 'airmass', 'asyaer', 'asydryaer', 'depbc', 'depdms', 'depdust', 'dephno3', 'depmsa', 'depn', 'depnh3', 'depnh4', 'depnhx', 'depno2', 'depno3', 'depnoy', 'depo3', 'depoa', 'deps', 'depso2', 'depso4', 'depss', 'dh', 'drybc', 'drydms', 'drydust', 'dryhno3', 'drynh3', 'dryno2', 'dryno3', 'drynoy', 'dryo3', 'dryoa', 'dryso2', 'dryso4', 'dryss', 'ec440dryaer', 'ec550aer', 'ec550dryaer', 'ec550drylt1aer', 'ec870dryaer', 'emibc', 'emico', 'emidms', 'emidust', 'emiisop', 'emin', 'eminh3', 'eminox', 'emioa', 'emis', 'emiso2', 'emiso4', 'emiss', 'emiterp', 'emivoc', 'hus', 'loadbc', 'loaddust', 'loadno3', 'loadoa', 'loadso4', 'loadss', 'od350aer', 'od440aer', 'od550aer', 'od550aerh2o', 'od550bc', 'od550dust', 'od550lt1aer', 'od550lt1dust', 'od550lt1ss', 'od550no3', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550ss', 'od870aer', 'pr', 'sconcbc', 'sconcdust', 'sconcmsa', 'sconcnh4', 'sconcno3', 'sconcoa', 'sconcso4', 'sconcss', 'ta', 'temp', 'vmrch4', 'vmrco', 'vmrno', 'vmrno2', 'vmro3', 'vmroh', 'wetbc', 'wetdms', 'wetdust', 'wethno3', 'wetmsa', 'wetnh3', 'wetnh4', 'wetno3', 'wetnoy', 'wetoa', 'wetso2', 'wetso4', 'wetss']

In case you are not familiar with the variable names:

standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles; Unit: 1

Read 2010 Aerosol optical depth (at 550 nm) from TM5 model

Help on method read_var in module

read_var(var_name, start=None, stop=None, ts_type=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, flex_ts_type=True, prefer_longer=False, aux_vars=None, aux_fun=None, **kwargs) method of instance
    Read model data for a specific variable
    This method searches all valid files for a given variable and for a 
    provided temporal resolution (e.g. *daily, monthly*), optionally
    within a certain time window, that may be specified on class 
    instantiation or using the corresponding input parameters provided in 
    this method.
    The individual NetCDF files for a given temporal period are loaded as
    instances of the :class:`iris.Cube` object and appended to an instance
    of the :class:`iris.cube.CubeList` object. The latter is then used to 
    concatenate the individual cubes in time into a single instance of the
    :class:`pyaerocom.GriddedData` class. In order to ensure that this
    works, several things need to be ensured, which are listed in the 
    following and which may be controlled within the global settings for 
    NetCDF import using the attribute :attr:`GRID_IO` (instance of
    :class:`OnLoad`) in the default instance of the 
    :class:`pyaerocom.config.Config` object accessible via 
    var_name : str
        variable that are supposed to be read
    start : Timestamp or str, optional
        start time of data import 
    stop : Timestamp or str, optional
        stop time of data import
    ts_type : str
        string specifying temporal resolution (choose from 
        "hourly", "3hourly", "daily", "monthly"). If None, prioritised 
        of the available resolutions is used
    experiment : str
        name of experiment (only relevant if this dataset contains more 
        than one experiment)
    vert_which : str or dict, optional
        valid AeroCom vertical info string encoded in name (e.g. Column,
        ModelLevel) or dictionary containing var_name as key and vertical
        coded string as value, accordingly
    flex_ts_type : bool
        if True and if applicable, then another ts_type is used in case 
        the input ts_type is not available for this variable
    prefer_longer : bool
        if True and applicable, the ts_type resulting in the longer time
        coverage will be preferred over other possible frequencies that 
        match the query.
    aux_vars : list
        only relevant if `var_name` is not available for reading but needs
        to be computed: list of variables that are required to compute 
    aux_fun : callable
        only relevant if `var_name` is not available for reading but needs
        to be computed: custom method for computation (cf. 
        :func:`add_aux_compute` for details)
        additional keyword args parsed to :func:`_load_var`
        loaded data object
        if none of the ts_types identified from file names is valid
        if specified ts_type is not supported

model_data = reader.read_var('od550aer', start=2010)

Working with the GriddedData object

model_data.ts_type # temporal resolution

Branching off: Converting GriddedData to iris.Cube or xarray.DataArray

Actually, the GriddedData object is based on the iris.Cube object which can be accessed via the cube attr:

cube = model_data.cube
Atmosphere Optical Thickness Due To Ambient Aerosol (1) time latitude longitude
Shape 12 90 120
Dimension coordinates
time x - -
latitude - x -
longitude - - x
Conventions CF-1.6
computed False
concatenated False
contact Twan van Noije (
data_id TM5_AP3-CTRL2019
experiment_id AP3-CTRL2019
from_files ['/home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/TM...
institute_id KNMI
institution Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt, The Netherlands
model_id TM5
outliers_removed False
project_id AeroCom Phase 3
reader None
references Van Noije, T.P.C., et al. (Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2435-2475, 2014); Bergman,...
region None
regridded False
source TM5-mp, r1058: CTM ERA-Interim 3x2 34L
title TM5 model output prepared for AeroCom Phase 3
ts_type monthly
var_name_read n/d
Cell methods
point longitude, latitude
mean time
try: # pyaerocom >= 0.8.1
    data_arr = model_data.to_xarray()
except: # pyaerocom < 0.8.1
    print('Coming soon in pyaerocom v0.8.1')
    import xarray as xarr
    data_arr = xarr.DataArray.from_iris(model_data.cube)
<xarray.DataArray 'od550aer' (time: 12, lat: 90, lon: 120)>
dask.array<filled, shape=(12, 90, 120), dtype=float32, chunksize=(12, 90, 120), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * time     (time) object 2010-01-15 12:00:00 ... 2010-12-15 12:00:00
  * lat      (lat) float64 -89.0 -87.0 -85.0 -83.0 -81.0 ... 83.0 85.0 87.0 89.0
  * lon      (lon) float64 1.5 4.5 7.5 10.5 13.5 ... 349.5 352.5 355.5 358.5
    standard_name:     atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
    long_name:         Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm
    institution:       Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt, T...
    institute_id:      KNMI
    source:            TM5-mp, r1058: CTM ERA-Interim 3x2 34L
    model_id:          TM5
    references:        Van Noije, T.P.C., et al. (Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2435...
    experiment_id:     AP3-CTRL2019
    project_id:        AeroCom Phase 3
    title:             TM5 model output prepared for AeroCom Phase 3
    Conventions:       CF-1.6
    contact:           Twan van Noije (
    from_files:        ['/home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testd...
    data_id:           TM5_AP3-CTRL2019
    var_name_read:     n/d
    ts_type:           monthly
    regridded:         False
    outliers_removed:  False
    computed:          False
    concatenated:      False
    cell_methods:      longitude: latitude: point time: mean

Other methods of the GriddedData object that may be useful

  • model_data.interpolate
  • model_data.regrid
  • model_data.crop
  • model_data.resample_time
  • model_data.sel

Extract data at a certain coordinate and plot timeseries

LON_ABISKO = 18.8312 #° E
LAT_ABISKO = 68.3495 #° N 
subset_abisko = model_data.sel(longitude=LON_ABISKO, latitude=LAT_ABISKO)
Grid data: <iris 'Cube' of atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol / (1) (time: 12)>
try: # pyaerocom >= 0.8.1
except: # pyaerocom < 0.8.1
    print('Coming soon in pyaerocom v0.8.1')
    import xarray as xarr
    data_arr = xarr.DataArray.from_iris(subset_abisko.cube).plot()

Reading of ungridded data (ReadUngridded class)

  • Ungridded data usually comprises timeseries data from different locations on earth and sampled at different times.
  • The data is often provided per station in form of text files (e.g. CSV).


Read Aeronet Sun version 3 level 2 data

Dataset name: AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata//obsdata/AeronetSunV3Lev2.0.daily/renamed
Supported variables: ['od340aer', 'od440aer', 'od500aer', 'od870aer', 'ang4487aer', 'ang4487aer_calc', 'od550aer']
Last revision: 20190920

Dataset name: AeronetSDAV3Lev2.daily
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata//obsdata/Aeronet.SDA.V3L2.0.daily/renamed
Supported variables: ['od500gt1aer', 'od500lt1aer', 'od500aer', 'ang4487aer', 'od550aer', 'od550gt1aer', 'od550lt1aer']
Last revision: 20190920
Reading failed for AeronetSDAV3Lev2.AP. Error: NetworkNotImplemented('No reading class available yet for dataset AeronetSDAV3Lev2.AP')
OBS_ID = 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily'
obs_reader =
Dataset name: AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata//obsdata/AeronetSunV3Lev2.0.daily/renamed
Supported variables: ['od340aer', 'od440aer', 'od500aer', 'od870aer', 'ang4487aer', 'ang4487aer_calc', 'od550aer']
Last revision: 20190920
Read in all stations (files) that have AOD data
obs_data =['od550aer'])
UngriddedData <networks: ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily']; vars: ['od550aer']; instruments: ['sun_photometer'];No. of stations: 1230

The UngriddedData object

Getting an overview

ax = obs_data.plot_station_coordinates(markersize=16)
ax = obs_data.plot_station_coordinates(var_name='od550aer', 
                                       start=2008, stop=2012, 
                                       markersize=12, color='lime', ax=ax)

Metadata -> available per file that was read in


e.g. metadata of first file:

              OrderedDict([('od550aer', OrderedDict([('units', '1')]))])),
             ('latitude', 19.932449999999996),
             ('longitude', 99.04539999999999),
             ('altitude', 1536.0),
             ('station_name', 'Doi_Ang_Khang'),
             ('PI', 'Brent_Holben'),
             ('ts_type', 'daily'),
             ('data_id', 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily'),
             ('variables', ['od550aer']),
             ('instrument_name', 'sun_photometer'),
             ('data_revision', '20190920')])

Filter data

obs_arctic = obs_data.apply_filters(latitude=[70, 90])
obs_arctic.plot_station_coordinates(markersize=40, marker='x', color='r');

Extract data from individual stations (e.g. Lille)

lille_data = obs_data.to_station_data('*Lille*')

Quick intro into StationData

  • Essentially an extended python dictionary with some extras (e.g. you can use . and [] to access and assign attributes)
  • contains timeseries data as pandas.Series
  • contains metadata
odict_keys(['dtime', 'var_info', 'station_coords', 'data_err', 'overlap', 'data_flagged', 'filename', 'station_id', 'station_name', 'instrument_name', 'PI', 'country', 'ts_type', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'data_id', 'dataset_name', 'data_product', 'data_version', 'data_level', 'revision_date', 'website', 'ts_type_src', 'stat_merge_pref_attr', 'data_revision', 'od550aer'])
The actual timeseries data can be accessed as pandas.Series simply by using the variable name
lille_data.od550aer # THIS is exactly equivalent to the command lille_data['od550aer']
1995-06-30 12:00:00    0.403992
1995-07-01 12:00:00    0.695444
1995-07-04 12:00:00    0.213412
1995-07-07 12:00:00    0.757272
1995-07-08 12:00:00    1.072732
2019-06-16 12:00:00    0.061789
2019-06-17 12:00:00    0.100830
2019-06-18 12:00:00    0.130222
2019-06-20 12:00:00    0.046714
2019-06-21 12:00:00    0.074854
Length: 3399, dtype: float64
ax = lille_data.plot_timeseries(var_name='od550aer', marker='x', linestyle='none')
ax = lille_data.plot_timeseries(var_name='od550aer', ts_type='monthly', linestyle='-', lw=3, ax=ax)

Colocation of model and obsdata

col_data = pya.colocation.colocate_gridded_ungridded(model_data, 
Help on function colocate_gridded_gridded in module pyaerocom.colocation:

colocate_gridded_gridded(gridded_data, gridded_data_ref, ts_type=None, start=None, stop=None, filter_name=None, regrid_res_deg=None, remove_outliers=True, vert_scheme=None, harmonise_units=True, regrid_scheme='areaweighted', var_outlier_ranges=None, var_ref_outlier_ranges=None, update_baseyear_gridded=None, apply_time_resampling_constraints=None, min_num_obs=None, colocate_time=False, var_keep_outliers=True, var_ref_keep_outliers=False, **kwargs)
    Colocate 2 gridded data objects
    - think about vertical dimension (vert_scheme input not used at the moment)
    gridded_data : GriddedData
        gridded data (e.g. model results)
    gridded_data_ref : GriddedData
        reference dataset that is used to evaluate 
        :attr:`gridded_data` (e.g. gridded observation data)
    ts_type : str
        desired temporal resolution of colocated data (must be valid AeroCom
        ts_type str such as daily, monthly, yearly..)
    start : :obj:`str` or :obj:`datetime64` or similar, optional
        start time for colocation, if None, the start time of the input
        :class:`GriddedData` object is used
    stop : :obj:`str` or :obj:`datetime64` or similar, optional
        stop time for colocation, if None, the stop time of the input
        :class:`GriddedData` object is used
    filter_name : str
        string specifying filter used (cf. :class:`pyaerocom.filter.Filter` for
        details). If None, then it is set to 'WORLD-wMOUNTAINS', which 
        corresponds to no filtering (world with mountains). 
        Use WORLD-noMOUNTAINS to exclude mountain sites.
    regrid_res_deg : :obj:`int`, optional
        regrid resolution in degrees. If specified, the input gridded data 
        objects will be regridded in lon / lat dimension to the input 
        resolution. (BETA feature)
    remove_outliers : bool
        if True, outliers are removed from model and obs data before colocation, 
        else not.
    vert_scheme : str
        string specifying scheme used to reduce the dimensionality in case 
        input grid data contains vertical dimension. Example schemes are 
        `mean, surface, altitude`, for details see 
    harmonise_units : bool
        if True, units are attempted to be harmonised (note: raises Exception
        if True and units cannot be harmonised).
    regrid_scheme : str
        iris scheme used for regridding (defaults to area weighted regridding)
    var_outlier_ranges : :obj:`dict`, optional
        dictionary specifying outlier ranges for dataset to be analysed
        (e.g. dict(od550aer = [-0.05, 10], ang4487aer=[0,4])). If None, then
        the pyaerocom default outlier ranges are used for the input variable.
        Defaults to None.
    var_ref_outlier_ranges : dict, optional
        like `var_outlier_ranges` but for reference dataset.
    update_baseyear_gridded : int, optional
        optional input that can be set in order to redefine the time dimension
        in the gridded data object to be analysed. E.g., if the data object 
        is a climatology (one year of data) that has set the base year of the
        time dimension to a value other than the specified input start / stop 
        time this may be used to update the time in order to make colocation 
    apply_time_resampling_constraints : bool, optional
        if True, then time resampling constraints are applied as provided via 
        :attr:`min_num_obs` or if that one is unspecified, as defined in
        :attr:`pyaerocom.const.OBS_MIN_NUM_RESAMPLE`. If None, than 
        :attr:`pyaerocom.const.OBS_APPLY_TIME_RESAMPLE_CONSTRAINTS` is used
        (which defaults to True !!).
    min_num_obs : int or dict, optional
        minimum number of observations for resampling of time
    colocate_time : bool
        if True and if original time resolution of data is higher than desired
        time resolution (`ts_type`), then both datasets are colocated in time 
        *before* resampling to lower resolution. 
    var_keep_outliers : bool
        if True, then no outliers will be removed from dataset to be analysed, 
        even if `remove_outliers` is True. That is because for model evaluation
        often only outliers are supposed to be removed in the observations but
        not in the model.
    var_ref_keep_outliers : bool
        if True, then no outliers will be removed from the reference dataset, 
        even if `remove_outliers` is True.
        additional keyword args (not used here, but included such that factory 
        class can handle different methods with different inputs)
        instance of colocated data

col_data.plot_scatter(marker='o', color='blue', alpha=0.1);

The xarray.DataArray object can be simply accessed via
<xarray.DataArray 'od550aer' (data_source: 2, time: 12, station_name: 290)>
array([[[       nan, 0.11758773,        nan, ...,        nan,
                nan, 0.22213848],
        [       nan, 0.13212825,        nan, ..., 0.12098059,
                nan, 0.4297616 ],
        [       nan, 0.14685542,        nan, ..., 0.12334401,
                nan, 0.91985307],
        [0.11797653, 0.11601176,        nan, ..., 0.05336442,
         0.03394842, 0.37093354],
        [0.13223569, 0.19505731,        nan, ...,        nan,
                nan, 0.26176478],
        [       nan,        nan,        nan, ...,        nan,
                nan, 0.37904951]],

       [[0.14947775, 0.14656237, 0.16371733, ..., 0.08020622,
         0.03766838, 0.23015726],
        [0.14588432, 0.2863543 , 0.20080711, ..., 0.11745247,
         0.06611011, 0.46402201],
        [0.19967574, 0.28439081, 0.91542172, ..., 0.13032669,
         0.05874216, 1.46623838],
        [0.21575473, 0.23416109, 0.34703311, ..., 0.09446716,
         0.05008808, 0.51150841],
        [0.16433115, 0.19931237, 0.38158169, ..., 0.10818329,
         0.03546635, 0.40573141],
        [0.10476176, 0.13849808, 0.30405122, ..., 0.14951633,
         0.04037524, 0.45553884]]])
  * data_source   (data_source) <U22 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily' 'TM5_AP3-CTRL2019'
    var_name      (data_source) <U8 'od550aer' 'od550aer'
    var_units     (data_source) <U1 '1' '1'
    ts_type_src   (data_source) <U7 'daily' 'monthly'
  * time          (time) datetime64[ns] 2010-01-01 2010-02-01 ... 2010-12-01
  * station_name  (station_name) <U19 'ARM_Darwin' ... 'Zinder_Airport'
    latitude      (station_name) float64 -12.43 37.97 15.35 ... 62.45 13.78
    longitude     (station_name) float64 130.9 23.72 -1.479 ... -114.4 8.99
    altitude      (station_name) float64 29.9 130.0 305.0 ... 300.0 220.8 456.0
    data_source:        ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily', 'TM5_AP3-CTRL2019']
    var_name:           ['od550aer', 'od550aer']
    ts_type:            monthly
    filter_name:        WORLD-wMOUNTAINS
    ts_type_src:        ['daily', 'monthly']
    start_str:          20100101
    stop_str:           20101231
    var_units:          ['1', '1']
    vert_scheme:        None
    data_level:         3
    revision_ref:       20190920
    from_files:         ['aerocom3_TM5_AP3-CTRL2019_od550aer_Column_2010_mont...
    from_files_ref:     None
    stations_ignored:   None
    colocate_time:      False
    apply_constraints:  True
    min_num_obs:        {'yearly': {'monthly': 3}, 'monthly': {'daily': 7}, '...
    outliers_removed:   True
    region:             WORLD
    lon_range:          [-180, 180]
    lat_range:          [-90, 90]
    alt_range:          None

Save ColocatedData object to NetCDF

... and from there, Sara, Diego, Anne et al. have provided you with the perfect introduction.

High level colocation and creation of colocated NetCDF files

The example above did essentially the following steps:

  • Find a model and variable of interest
  • Find a corresponding observation network that measures that variable
  • Load both model and obsdata for this variable into GriddedData and UngriddedData, respectively
  • Colocate the model to the observation locations and create ColocatedData object
  • Save the colocated data object as NetCDF file

All these steps can be done with a one-liner in pyaerocom using the Colocator class

Colocate the same model and observation network but now use the Angstrom exponent (ang4487aer) instead of the AOD:

colocator = pya.Colocator(model_id=DATA_ID,
Reading files 1-124 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:30 (delta = 0 s')
Reading file 0 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 124-247 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:33 (delta = 3 s')
Reading file 123 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 247-370 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:36 (delta = 2 s')
Reading file 246 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 370-493 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:38 (delta = 2 s')
Reading file 369 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 493-616 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:42 (delta = 3 s')
Reading file 492 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 616-739 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:46 (delta = 4 s')
Reading file 615 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 739-862 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:51 (delta = 4 s')
Reading file 738 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 862-985 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:55 (delta = 4 s')
Reading file 861 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 985-1108 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:05:59 (delta = 4 s')
Reading file 984 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)
Reading files 1108-1231 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3) | 00:06:05 (delta = 5 s')
Reading file 1107 of 1230 (ReadAeronetSunV3)

The Colocator objects stores all ColocatedData objects that were created in it's data attribute, which is a nested dictionary, organised via model_id and var_name:['TM5_AP3-CTRL2019']['ang4487aer']
<xarray.DataArray 'ang4487aer' (data_source: 2, time: 12, station_name: 264)>
array([[[       nan, 1.128966  ,        nan, ...,        nan,
                nan, 0.25999457],
        [       nan, 0.89081575,        nan, ..., 1.12947156,
                nan, 0.30509289],
        [       nan, 1.12122509,        nan, ..., 1.14267986,
                nan, 0.13727079],
        [0.97128121, 1.2908889 ,        nan, ..., 1.56412958,
         1.0926709 , 0.39523561],
        [1.34621412, 0.934353  ,        nan, ...,        nan,
                nan, 0.49452866],
        [       nan,        nan,        nan, ...,        nan,
                nan, 0.4892751 ]],

       [[0.86711586, 0.73773724, 0.52013141, ..., 1.39102662,
         1.35547209, 0.62231678],
        [0.98289979, 0.30570188, 0.58608049, ..., 1.23340809,
         1.23590493, 0.44316554],
        [0.57381302, 0.59244061, 0.15318914, ..., 1.31365597,
         1.16984105, 0.19862083],
        [0.8841635 , 0.85821074, 1.01289105, ..., 1.36450207,
         1.38448656, 0.95568919],
        [1.28473127, 0.65777272, 0.54912972, ..., 1.26303518,
         1.3864181 , 0.62829041],
        [1.14279449, 0.75016189, 0.47216135, ..., 1.05199301,
         1.37411582, 0.41307265]]])
  * data_source   (data_source) <U22 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily' 'TM5_AP3-CTRL2019'
    var_name      (data_source) <U10 'ang4487aer' 'ang4487aer'
    var_units     (data_source) <U1 '1' '1'
    ts_type_src   (data_source) <U7 'daily' 'monthly'
  * time          (time) datetime64[ns] 2010-01-01 2010-02-01 ... 2010-12-01
  * station_name  (station_name) <U19 'ARM_Darwin' ... 'Zinder_Airport'
    latitude      (station_name) float64 -12.43 37.97 15.35 ... 62.45 13.78
    longitude     (station_name) float64 130.9 23.72 -1.479 ... -114.4 8.99
    altitude      (station_name) float64 29.9 130.0 305.0 ... 300.0 220.8 456.0
    data_source:        ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily', 'TM5_AP3-CTRL2019']
    var_name:           ['ang4487aer', 'ang4487aer']
    ts_type:            monthly
    filter_name:        WORLD-noMOUNTAINS
    ts_type_src:        ['daily', 'monthly']
    start_str:          20100101
    stop_str:           20101231
    var_units:          ['1', '1']
    vert_scheme:        None
    data_level:         3
    revision_ref:       20190920
    from_files:         ['aerocom3_TM5_AP3-CTRL2019_od440aer_Column_2010_mont...
    from_files_ref:     None
    stations_ignored:   None
    colocate_time:      0
    apply_constraints:  1
    outliers_removed:   1
    region:             WORLD
    lon_range:          [-180, 180]
    lat_range:          [-90, 90]
    alt_range:          [-1000000.0, 1000.0]
    _min_num_obs:       yearly,monthly,3;monthly,daily,7;daily,hourly,6;hourl...[DATA_ID]['ang4487aer'].plot_scatter(marker='o', alpha=0.1, color='g');
Do the same for another model (e.g. CAM5.3-Oslo)
Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/ECMWF-IFS-CY45R1-CAMS-CTRL-met2010_AP3-CTRL/renamed
Available experiments: ['AP3-CTRL']
Available years: [1850, 2010]
Available frequencies ['3hourly' 'daily' 'monthly']
Available variables: ['abs550aer', 'clh', 'cll', 'clm', 'clt', 'depbc', 'depdu', 'depoa', 'depso2', 'depso4', 'depss', 'drybc', 'drydu', 'dryoa', 'dryso2', 'dryso4', 'dryss', 'emibc', 'emidu', 'emioa', 'emiso2', 'emiss', 'iwp', 'loadbc', 'loaddu', 'loadlt10du', 'loadlt10ss', 'loadlt1du', 'loadlt1ss', 'loadlt25du', 'loadlt25ss', 'loadoa', 'loadso2', 'loadso4', 'loadss', 'lwp', 'od440aer', 'od550aer', 'od550bc', 'od550du', 'od550lt10du', 'od550lt10ss', 'od550lt1du', 'od550lt1ss', 'od550lt25du', 'od550lt25ss', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550ss', 'od865aer', 'prodso4', 'ps', 'sconcbc', 'sconcdu', 'sconcoa', 'sconcpm1', 'sconcpm10', 'sconcpm25', 'sconcso2', 'sconcso4', 'sconcss', 'wetbc', 'wetdu', 'wetoa', 'wetso2', 'wetso4', 'wetss']

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/CAM5-ATRAS_AP3-CTRL/renamed
Available experiments: ['AP3-CTRL']
Available years: [1750, 1850, 2010]
Available frequencies ['daily' 'monthly']
Available variables: ['abs440aer', 'abs440bc', 'abs440dryaer', 'abs440dust', 'abs440oc', 'abs550aer', 'abs550bc', 'abs550dryaer', 'abs550dust', 'abs550lt1aer', 'abs550oc', 'abs550rh40aer', 'abs550rh85aer', 'abs870aer', 'abs870bc', 'abs870dust', 'abs870oc', 'absc550aer', 'airmass', 'areacella', 'bldep', 'cdnc', 'cheaqpso4', 'chegpso4', 'chepsoa', 'cli', 'clivi', 'clt', 'clw', 'co', 'convclt', 'dh', 'dms', 'drybc', 'drydust', 'drynh3', 'drynh4', 'drynoy', 'dryoa', 'dryso2', 'dryso4', 'dryss', 'ec1000dust', 'ec10umdust', 'ec440dryaer', 'ec550aer', 'ec550dryaer', 'ec550dust', 'ec550rh40aer', 'ec550rh85aer', 'emibc', 'emibvoc', 'emico', 'emidms', 'emidust', 'emiisop', 'emimtp', 'eminh3', 'eminox', 'emioa', 'emiso2', 'emiso4', 'emiss', 'emivoc', 'hcho', 'hfls', 'hfss', 'hno3', 'hus', 'isop', 'loadbc', 'loaddms', 'loaddu', 'loadhno3', 'loadlt10du', 'loadlt1du', 'loadlt1ss', 'loadlt25du', 'loadlt25ss', 'loadnh3', 'loadnh4', 'loadno3', 'loadoa', 'loadso2', 'loadso4', 'loadsoa', 'loadss', 'lwp', 'mmraerh2o', 'mmrbc', 'mmrdust', 'mmrnh4', 'mmrno3', 'mmroa', 'mmrpm1', 'mmrpm10', 'mmrpm2p5', 'mmrso4', 'mmrsoa', 'mmrss', 'mtp', 'nh3', 'od1000dust', 'od10umdust', 'od440aer', 'od550aer', 'od550aerh2o', 'od550bc', 'od550dust', 'od550lt10du', 'od550lt1aer', 'od550lt1du', 'od550lt1ss', 'od550lt2p5du', 'od550lt2p5ss', 'od550no3', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550soa', 'od550ss', 'od870aer', 'orog', 'pfull', 'phalf', 'pr', 'prc', 'ps', 'ptp', 'rh', 'rho', 'rlds', 'rldscs', 'rlus', 'rluscs', 'rlut', 'rlutca', 'rlutcs', 'rlutcsca', 'rsds', 'rsdscs', 'rsdt', 'rsus', 'rsut', 'rsutca', 'rsutcs', 'rsutcsca', 'sftlf', 'so2', 'ta', 'tas', 'tos', 'ts', 'ua', 'va', 'wa', 'wetbc', 'wetdust', 'wetnh3', 'wetnh4', 'wetnoy', 'wetoa', 'wetso2', 'wetso4', 'wetss', 'ztp']

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/ECMWF_CAMS_REAN/renamed
Available experiments: ['REAN']
Available years: [2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018]
Available frequencies ['daily']
Available variables: ['ang4487aer', 'od550aer', 'od550oa', 'od550so4']

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/CAM5-ATRAS_AP3-HIST/renamed
Available experiments: ['AP3-HIST']
Available years: [1750, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]
Available frequencies ['monthly' 'daily']
Available variables: ['abs550aer', 'abs550dryaer', 'airmass', 'chepsoa', 'clt', 'dh', 'drybc', 'drydust', 'drynh3', 'drynh4', 'drynoy', 'dryoa', 'dryso2', 'dryso4', 'dryss', 'ec550dryaer', 'emibc', 'emidms', 'emidust', 'eminh3', 'eminox', 'emioa', 'emiso2', 'emiso4', 'emiss', 'loadbc', 'loaddms', 'loaddu', 'loadhno3', 'loadlt1du', 'loadlt1ss', 'loadlt25du', 'loadlt25ss', 'loadnh3', 'loadnh4', 'loadno3', 'loadoa', 'loadso2', 'loadso4', 'loadsoa', 'loadss', 'mmraerh2o', 'mmrbc', 'mmrdust', 'mmrnh4', 'mmrno3', 'mmroa', 'mmrpm1', 'mmrpm10', 'mmrpm2p5', 'mmrso4', 'mmrsoa', 'mmrss', 'od440aer', 'od550aer', 'od550aerh2o', 'od550bc', 'od550dust', 'od550lt1aer', 'od550lt1du', 'od550lt1ss', 'od550lt2p5du', 'od550lt2p5ss', 'od550no3', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550soa', 'od550ss', 'od870aer', 'pfull', 'rh', 'rsds', 'rsus', 'rsut', 'rsutca', 'rsutcs', 'rsutcsca', 'so2', 'wetbc', 'wetdust', 'wetnh3', 'wetnh4', 'wetnoy', 'wetoa', 'wetso2', 'wetso4', 'wetss']

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data ID: CAM53-Oslo_7310_MG15CLM45_5feb2017IHK_53OSLO_PD_UNTUNED
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/CAM53-Oslo_7310_MG15CLM45_5feb2017IHK_53OSLO_PD_UNTUNED/renamed
Available experiments: ['UNTUNED']
Available years: [2008, 2009, 2010]
Available frequencies ['monthly']
Available variables: ['abs550aer', 'abs550aercs', 'ang4487aer', 'ang4487csaer', 'od550aer', 'od550csaer', 'od550lt1aer']

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data ID: CAM6-Oslo_NHIST_f19_tn14_20190710_2010
Data directory: /home/notebook/shared-ns1000k/inputs/pyaerocom-testdata/modeldata/CAM6-Oslo_NHIST_f19_tn14_20190710_2010/renamed
Available experiments: ['20190710']
Available years: [2010]
Available frequencies ['monthly']
Available variables: ['abs440aer', 'abs500aer', 'abs550aer', 'abs550aercs', 'abs550bc', 'abs550dryaer', 'abs550dust', 'abs550oa', 'abs550so4', 'abs550ss', 'abs670aer', 'abs870aer', 'absc550aer', 'airmass', 'area', 'asy3Daer', 'bc5503Daer', 'cheaqpso4', 'chegpso4', 'chepso2', 'cl3D', 'clt', 'drybc', 'drydms', 'drydust', 'dryoa', 'dryso2', 'dryso4', 'dryss', 'ec550aer', 'ec550dryaer', 'emibc', 'emidms', 'emidust', 'emioa', 'emiso2', 'emiso4', 'emiss', 'hus', 'landf', 'loadbc', 'loaddms', 'loaddust', 'loadoa', 'loadso2', 'loadso4', 'loadss', 'mmraerh2o', 'mmrbc', 'mmrdu', 'mmroa', 'mmrso4', 'mmrss', 'od440aer', 'od440csaer', 'od500aer', 'od550aer', 'od550aerh2o', 'od550bc', 'od550csaer', 'od550dust', 'od550gt1aer', 'od550lt1aer', 'od550lt1dust', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550ss', 'od670aer', 'od870aer', 'od870csaer', 'orog', 'precip', 'pressure', 'ps', 'rlds', 'rlus', 'rlut', 'rlutcs', 'rsds', 'rsdscs', 'rsdt', 'rsus', 'rsut', 'sconcbc', 'sconcdms', 'sconcdust', 'sconcoa', 'sconcso2', 'sconcso4', 'sconcss', 'temp', 'vmrdms', 'vmrso2', 'wetbc', 'wetdms', 'wetdust', 'wetoa', 'wetso2', 'wetso4', 'wetss']
dict_keys(['TM5_AP3-CTRL2019', 'CAM53-Oslo_7310_MG15CLM45_5feb2017IHK_53OSLO_PD_UNTUNED'])[ANOTHER_MODEL_ID]['ang4487aer'].plot_scatter(marker='o', alpha=0.1, color='g');

Usage example: Compute AOD bias and plot bias map

_arr =
mean_bias = ((_arr[1] - _arr[0])/_arr[0]).mean('time') * 100 #%
<xarray.DataArray 'od550aer' (station_name: 290)>
array([ 3.27914642e+01,  4.41977593e+01, -2.38407751e+01, -2.20405471e+01,
        4.87610882e+01, -1.09660243e+01,  6.09572635e+01,  6.95185320e+01,
        5.72888842e+01,  2.02739190e+00, -5.72097325e+01,  1.47671090e+01,
        4.29767724e+01,  4.29703426e+01, -3.04770598e+00,  3.25237489e+01,
        3.04941723e+01, -3.50740249e+01, -2.67254451e+00,  7.03229780e+01,
       -1.73058152e+01, -2.54449063e+01,  1.17741062e+01, -3.34088968e+00,
        5.11034734e+01, -5.49587609e+01,  3.12364125e+01,  1.41865023e+01,
        9.79946795e+00,  4.29076415e+01,  2.00427413e+02,  3.11295196e+01,
        1.25609668e+01, -2.99052611e+00,  3.79720939e+01,  4.11353824e+01,
        3.36367237e+01, -1.87316612e+01,  5.71903871e+00, -3.12985326e+01,
        9.64239738e+00,  3.87242518e+01,  3.28465450e+01, -1.34600998e+01,
        1.13944697e+02, -5.74046714e+00, -2.21200918e+01, -1.68933975e+01,
        2.14213839e+01, -1.57128817e+00,  1.63393518e+01,  3.03617771e+01,
       -3.66373152e+01, -2.29289206e+01,  3.80195940e+00,  2.28771411e+01,
        5.02988951e+01, -8.47645363e+00, -2.92246798e-02,  1.99113391e+01,
        2.85090981e+01,  1.02081703e+02, -3.32672024e+01, -2.61841440e+01,
        1.02246696e+01,  3.35796759e+01,  2.47245469e+01,  3.40265035e+00,
        4.58925360e+01,  4.16583949e+01, -2.69435038e+01, -1.98879423e+01,
       -2.25045093e+01, -2.61745328e+01, -2.19739435e+01, -3.29913089e+01,
       -2.35682266e+01, -2.66573040e+01, -3.18505908e+01, -1.84119126e+01,
       -2.15963517e+01, -3.09848055e+01, -1.06080074e+01, -1.25179840e+01,
        8.36437743e+01, -1.72089120e+01,  1.10724291e+02,  1.86954451e+01,
       -3.52485746e+00,  2.26953688e+01, -1.31471950e+01, -2.58177183e+01,
        3.19353929e+00,  1.67985095e+02,  2.15939248e+03,  2.48500492e+01,
        2.09847766e+01,  2.98324464e+01,  3.56604135e+00,  1.34239937e+01,
        8.50623273e+00,  4.48262894e+01,  2.34873722e+01,  5.06346266e+01,
        2.74506461e+01,  7.61382986e+01, -3.28731649e+01,  4.07660799e+01,
        2.27447667e+01,  9.10353067e+01,  1.21278828e+01,  3.72121519e+01,
        2.83294548e+01,  9.78441851e+00, -4.73056445e+01,  2.79024380e+01,
        5.35009477e+01,  5.91444655e+01,  4.79116057e+00,  7.44237999e+01,
        2.68128184e+01,  3.43649449e+01, -1.62632855e+01,  1.30548675e+01,
        6.61681390e+00, -3.00923781e+01,  2.23825834e+01,  2.76474665e+01,
        4.34143410e+01, -2.69770526e+01, -5.00112156e-01,  8.53502032e+01,
        2.87528003e+00, -4.53577189e+01,  2.41361076e+01,  4.31485335e+01,
       -2.39311000e+01,  1.25558526e+02,  4.14590368e+01,  3.16795086e+02,
        2.92134127e+01,  1.80532386e+00,  1.70037355e+01,  1.62844145e+01,
        4.42332748e+00, -1.34480446e+01,  8.70741225e+01, -2.57484589e+01,
       -1.49912499e+01,  2.98588810e+01,  1.59062183e+01,  1.03563362e+01,
        2.72479298e+01,  3.76470196e+01, -3.95993626e+01,  1.21604190e+01,
        5.86778380e+00,  3.10902325e+01,  1.05128068e+01, -4.00757249e+00,
        4.05601341e+00, -3.14303075e+01,  8.17878429e+01,  4.30353716e+01,
        6.44585924e+01, -1.27336460e+01,  4.54585568e+00,  2.35222980e+01,
        4.67379278e+02, -8.97091250e+00,  1.80895809e+01,  5.12300032e+00,
        3.14730287e+00, -2.68587539e+01,  2.66964067e+01,  4.73865279e+01,
        8.04935946e+02,  4.17767451e+01, -4.21336847e+01, -9.07905949e-01,
        7.66013358e+01,  8.37915206e+01,  2.13665125e+01,  1.85619169e+01,
       -1.89324207e+01,  3.32072539e+01, -1.75130819e+01,  2.18796414e+01,
        1.97294485e+01,  1.16031417e+01, -1.80260862e+01,  1.06872806e+00,
        2.50877329e+02,  1.86854932e-01, -6.29763143e+01,  7.34409702e+01,
       -2.42201841e+01,  2.04096214e+01,  2.84237510e+02, -2.83174167e+01,
        2.75985008e-01, -1.77013012e+00,  9.33123068e+01,  8.96354615e+01,
        1.16009139e+01,  5.89801647e+00,  3.53473407e+01,  2.40858232e+00,
        5.26359199e-01,  1.39417708e+01, -9.18728962e+00, -2.89676009e+01,
        2.11628891e+01, -4.27510894e+01,  5.47806817e+01,  1.11179355e+01,
        1.60639161e+02,  5.36604379e+01,  1.41343458e+01,  7.29047268e+01,
        1.16645319e+02,  1.07994446e+00,  2.86391474e+01, -6.17067746e+00,
        3.15634790e+01,  9.71369792e+00, -4.73990236e+01,  2.01213515e+01,
        1.50614483e+01, -2.92210408e+01,  8.26026117e+01, -9.81651091e+00,
        2.18821079e+01,  4.22057093e+01, -1.68488604e+01,  3.47089193e+01,
        3.79152838e+01,  7.39133554e+01,  3.63400929e+00,  6.77855757e+01,
       -2.33014879e+01, -4.99106302e+01,  4.25943052e+01,  3.12377925e+00,
       -2.27771852e+01, -1.20066272e+01, -2.66136810e+01,  7.31645234e+01,
        1.52243559e+02,  3.19089141e+01,  2.96238395e+01,  8.33273265e+00,
       -1.91530812e+01, -1.87918140e+01,  3.24915367e+01,  4.61579198e+01,
       -4.67132468e+00,  1.50885510e+01, -1.13247846e+01,  7.83158893e+00,
        4.29157881e+01,  3.62139244e+01,  2.62529907e+01,  4.16605716e+01,
        1.65626661e+01,  4.09422433e+01,  2.31975416e+01,  1.07226551e+02,
        1.58904995e+01,  1.37649886e+01,  5.04940170e+00, -2.76175068e+01,
        7.44272366e+00,  5.05170565e+01,  1.01163561e+02,  2.09883399e+01,
        1.00184819e+01, -2.85436142e+01,  2.31967797e+01,  4.90043152e+00,
        1.17823575e+02,  6.87338294e+01, -2.43874895e+01,  7.69502307e+00,
        4.11403093e+01,  1.09082297e+02,  2.00864470e+01,  1.99950303e+01,
        3.62194452e+01,  1.41876019e+01])
    var_name      <U8 'od550aer'
    var_units     <U1 '1'
  * station_name  (station_name) <U19 'ARM_Darwin' ... 'Zinder_Airport'
    latitude      (station_name) float64 -12.43 37.97 15.35 ... 62.45 13.78
    longitude     (station_name) float64 130.9 23.72 -1.479 ... -114.4 8.99
    altitude      (station_name) float64 29.9 130.0 305.0 ... 300.0 220.8 456.0
    data_source   <U22 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily'
    ts_type_src   <U7 'daily'
ax = pya.plot.mapping.init_map()
ax = pya.plot.mapping.init_map()
_sc = ax.scatter(mean_bias.longitude, mean_bias.latitude, marker='o',, 
                 vmin=-100, vmax=100, s=80)
cb = plt.colorbar(_sc)'Normalised mean bias [%]');

Now if you colocate a lot of models against multiple different observations, you might end up here: