New contributors

Make your very first contributions

Welcome to the NEGI-Abisko-2019 repository! We're excited you're here and want to contribute.

Before you start you'll need to set up a free [GitHub][link_github] account and sign in. Here are some [instructions][link_signupinstructions].

Give us feedback

One overy valuable contribution you can make is to give us feedback so we can improve NEGI-Abisko-2019!

Let us know what you think about NEGI-Abisko-2019 here!

Upload a jupyter notebook

Let's say you have written a Jupyter notebook and would like to share it.

There are several ways to do it and in this section we will show you how to add it manually. Later, we will teach you on how to streamline your work and add your notebooks with git.

Step-1: download your jupyter notebook on your local computer

In the file browser of NEGI Abisko Jupyerthub, right click on the jupyter notebook you wish to share and download it shown on the figure below:

download jupyter notebook

The downloaded jupyter notebook is located in your Downloads folder.

Step-2: upload your jupyter notebook to Github

In your web browser:

Upload in github

In the figure above, parts in red highlight what you need to check before uploading your jupyter notebook.

  • Then click on upload files and choose your files to select the jupyter notebook you wish to share (see image below)

  • Write a short message (in the Commit changes section) and click on the green Commit changes button.

  • Finally in your fork repository, find the New pull request button and click on it to create a new pull request.

New pull request

  • Create a pull request

Create pull request

And then:

Pull request

You are done!

Now your pull request will be reviewed and your contribution included in NEGI-Abisko-2019.

Well done!!!