Reading AERONET data with pandas

Import python packages

import pandas as pd
import s3fs
import xarray as xr

Connect to bucket (anonymous login for public data only)

fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True,
         'endpoint_url': ''

s3path = 'ESGF/obs4MIPs/AERONET/AeronetSunV3Lev1.5.daily/*.lev30'
remote_files = fs.glob(s3path)

Access data files

# Iterate through remote_files to create a fileset
fileset = [ for file in remote_files]

Station selection

# Get index of the first file containing some substring
matching_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(remote_files) if "Lille" in s][0]

Data reading with pandas

# Read file with pandas
# Note: One must skip the first rows (skiprows), which do not contain as many columns as data-rows
df = pd.read_csv(fileset[matching_index], skiprows=6)
AERONET_Site Date(dd:mm:yyyy) Time(hh:mm:ss) Day_of_Year AOD_1640nm AOD_1020nm AOD_870nm AOD_865nm AOD_779nm AOD_675nm ... N[440-675_Angstrom_Exponent] N[500-870_Angstrom_Exponent] N[340-440_Angstrom_Exponent] N[440-675_Angstrom_Exponent[Polar]] Data_Quality_Level AERONET_Instrument_Number AERONET_Site_Name Site_Latitude(Degrees) Site_Longitude(Degrees) Site_Elevation(m)
0 Lille 01:11:1994 12:00:00 305 -999.0 0.135490 0.146435 -999.0 -999.0 0.158098 ... 19 0 0 0 lev15 48 Lille 50.611667 3.141667 60.0
1 Lille 02:11:1994 12:00:00 306 -999.0 0.382259 0.396290 -999.0 -999.0 0.416910 ... 6 0 0 0 lev15 48 Lille 50.611667 3.141667 60.0
2 Lille 06:11:1994 12:00:00 310 -999.0 0.092989 0.118270 -999.0 -999.0 0.163379 ... 2 0 0 0 lev15 48 Lille 50.611667 3.141667 60.0
3 Lille 07:11:1994 12:00:00 311 -999.0 0.086925 0.108214 -999.0 -999.0 0.145579 ... 9 0 0 0 lev15 48 Lille 50.611667 3.141667 60.0
4 Lille 08:11:1994 12:00:00 312 -999.0 0.098722 0.120554 -999.0 -999.0 0.159143 ... 10 0 0 0 lev15 48 Lille 50.611667 3.141667 60.0

5 rows × 82 columns

# Check which keys are available
Index(['AERONET_Site', 'Date(dd:mm:yyyy)', 'Time(hh:mm:ss)', 'Day_of_Year',
       'AOD_1640nm', 'AOD_1020nm', 'AOD_870nm', 'AOD_865nm', 'AOD_779nm',
       'AOD_675nm', 'AOD_667nm', 'AOD_620nm', 'AOD_560nm', 'AOD_555nm',
       'AOD_551nm', 'AOD_532nm', 'AOD_531nm', 'AOD_510nm', 'AOD_500nm',
       'AOD_490nm', 'AOD_443nm', 'AOD_440nm', 'AOD_412nm', 'AOD_400nm',
       'AOD_380nm', 'AOD_340nm', 'Precipitable_Water(cm)', 'AOD_681nm',
       'AOD_709nm', 'AOD_Empty', 'AOD_Empty.1', 'AOD_Empty.2', 'AOD_Empty.3',
       'AOD_Empty.4', '440-870_Angstrom_Exponent', '380-500_Angstrom_Exponent',
       '440-675_Angstrom_Exponent', '500-870_Angstrom_Exponent',
       '340-440_Angstrom_Exponent', '440-675_Angstrom_Exponent[Polar]',
       'N[AOD_1640nm]', 'N[AOD_1020nm]', 'N[AOD_870nm]', 'N[AOD_865nm]',
       'N[AOD_779nm]', 'N[AOD_675nm]', 'N[AOD_667nm]', 'N[AOD_620nm]',
       'N[AOD_560nm]', 'N[AOD_555nm]', 'N[AOD_551nm]', 'N[AOD_532nm]',
       'N[AOD_531nm]', 'N[AOD_510nm]', 'N[AOD_500nm]', 'N[AOD_490nm]',
       'N[AOD_443nm]', 'N[AOD_440nm]', 'N[AOD_412nm]', 'N[AOD_400nm]',
       'N[AOD_380nm]', 'N[AOD_340nm]', 'N[Precipitable_Water(cm)]',
       'N[AOD_681nm]', 'N[AOD_709nm]', 'N[AOD_Empty]', 'N[AOD_Empty].1',
       'N[AOD_Empty].2', 'N[AOD_Empty].3', 'N[AOD_Empty].4',
       'N[440-870_Angstrom_Exponent]', 'N[380-500_Angstrom_Exponent]',
       'N[440-675_Angstrom_Exponent]', 'N[500-870_Angstrom_Exponent]',
       'N[340-440_Angstrom_Exponent]', 'N[440-675_Angstrom_Exponent[Polar]]',
       'Data_Quality_Level', 'AERONET_Instrument_Number', 'AERONET_Site_Name',
       'Site_Latitude(Degrees)', 'Site_Longitude(Degrees)',

Create proper Date index

# Get date from Date(dd:mm:yyyy)
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date(dd:mm:yyyy)'], format='%d:%m:%Y')

# Set date as index
df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)

Plot time series using pandas

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df['AOD_500nm'].resample('1M').mean().plot(ylim=(0,1), xlim=('01-01-2005','31-12-2021'), lw=3)
plt.title('Lille', weight='bold')
Text(0, 0.5, 'AOD@500nm')