CMIP6 Precipitation Frequency Analysis Example

CMIP6 Precipitation Frequency Analysis Example

This notebook shows an advanced analysis case. The calculation was inspired by Angie Pendergrass’s work on precipitation statistics, as described in the following websites / papers:

We use xhistogram to calculate the distribution of precipitation intensity and its changes in a warming climate.

import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import gcsfs
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

from xhistogram.xarray import histogram

%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 6
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina' 

We assume this notebook is running in a Pangeo environment with the ability to create Dask distributed clusters for processing. If that's not the case, simply skip the cell below. The analysis will go a lot slower but will hopefully still work.

from dask.distributed import Client

client = Client(n_workers=10, threads_per_worker=1, memory_limit='10GB')

Here we search for all 3-hourly precipitation fields.

df = pd.read_csv('')
df_3hr_pr = df[(df.table_id == '3hr') & (df.variable_id == 'pr')]
df_3hr_pr.groupby(['experiment_id', 'source_id'])['zstore'].count()
run_counts = df_3hr_pr.groupby(['source_id', 'experiment_id'])['zstore'].count()
source_ids = []
experiment_ids = ['historical', 'ssp585']
for name, group in df_3hr_pr.groupby('source_id'):
    if all([expt in group.experiment_id.values
            for expt in experiment_ids]):
def load_pr_data(source_id, expt_id):
    Load 3hr precip data for given source and expt ids
    uri = df_3hr_pr[(df_3hr_pr.source_id == source_id) &
                         (df_3hr_pr.experiment_id == expt_id)].zstore.values[0]
    gcs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem(token='anon')
    ds = xr.open_zarr(gcs.get_mapper(uri), consolidated=True)
    return ds
def precip_hist(ds, nbins=100, pr_log_min=-3, pr_log_max=2):
    Calculate precipitation histogram for a single model. 
    assert == 'kg m-2 s-1'
    # mm/day
    bins_mm_day = np.hstack([[0], np.logspace(pr_log_min, pr_log_max, nbins)]) 
    bins_kg_m2s = bins_mm_day / (24*60*60)

    pr_hist = histogram(, bins=[bins_kg_m2s], dim=['lon']).mean(dim='time')
    log_bin_spacing = np.diff(np.log(bins_kg_m2s[1:3])).item()
    pr_hist_norm = 100 * pr_hist / ds.dims['lon'] / log_bin_spacing
    pr_hist_norm.attrs.update({'long_name': 'zonal mean rain frequency',
                               'units': '%/Δln(r)'})
    return pr_hist_norm

def precip_hist_for_expts(dsets, experiment_ids):
    Calculate histogram for a suite of experiments.
    # actual data loading and computations happen in this next line
    pr_hists = [precip_hist(ds).load()
            for ds in [ds_hist, ds_ssp]]
    pr_hist = xr.concat(pr_hists, dim=xr.Variable('experiment_id', experiment_ids))
    return pr_hist
results = {}
for source_id in tqdm(source_ids):
    # get a 20 year period
    ds_hist = load_pr_data(source_id, 'historical').sel(time=slice('1980', '2000'))
    ds_ssp = load_pr_data(source_id, 'ssp585').sel(time=slice('2080', '2100'))
    pr_hist = precip_hist_for_expts([ds_hist, ds_ssp], experiment_ids)
    results[source_id] = pr_hist
def plot_precip_changes(pr_hist, vmax=5):
    Visualize the output
    pr_hist_diff = (pr_hist.sel(experiment_id='ssp585') - 
    pr_hist.sel(experiment_id='historical')[:, 1:].plot.contour(xscale='log', colors='0.5', levels=21)
    pr_hist_diff[:, 1:].plot.contourf(xscale='log', vmax=vmax, levels=21)
title = 'Change in Zonal Mean Rain Frequency'
for source_id, pr_hist in results.items():
    plt.title(f'{title}: {source_id}')