
Norway/Sweden training

Data extraction and easy visualization with galaxy climate science workbench

Author: Anne Fouilloux

How do we use sticky notes?

Sticky notes

Have you heard about Galaxy?

Heard Galaxy

Have you ever used Galaxy?

Used Galaxy

Galaxy Climate workbench

Galaxy Interactive environment for Climate data analysis and Visualization

Climate Interactive Tools

Set up for workshop

General introduction to Galaxy

Panoply in Galaxy

Short version (for impatients who already know Panoply...)

Step-1: upload in galaxy

Step-2: Paste/Fetch data

  • Go to Start Panoply in Galaxy
  • Select dataset and press Execute
    • If you do not see in yourhistory (right panel), make sure to first switch to the history that contains your dataset.

Switch history

Wait for Panoply to be ready

Wait for Panoply to run

  • Once running go to User --> Interactive Tools and click on Panoply interactive tool to launch it
  • Then use Panoply as usual.

Start Panoply in Galaxy

  • To save your plots, make sure you store them in output folder
  • Quit Panoply when you are done and go back to Analyze to get your outputs (click on Panoply outputs )
  • You can view your plot on Galaxy using eye icon
  • You can download your plot on your laptop using download icon

Pangeo JupyterLab in Galaxy

pangeo Jupyterlab with all the software stack (python packages) and data is available on Galaxy.

  • Go to JupyterLabfor Ocean/Atmosphere/Land/Climate python ecosystem
  • Select dataset and press Execute
  • Go to User --> Interactive Tools and click on Climate interactive tool to launch it
  • Then you should get a jupyterLab session
  • Open ipython_galaxy_notebook.ipynb
  • To save your plots, data, etc. follow instructions given at the top ofthe default notebook( get , put ) SAVE your work regurlarly in Galaxy using put; for instance, in a notebook code cell:

where ipython_galaxy_notebook.ipynb is the name of your notebook.

In a similar way, do not forget to save data you cannot easily reproduce:


where is a netCDF file you would line to save in Galaxy.

  • QuitJupyterLab when you are done and go back to Analyze to get your outputs (those you added with put )
  • You can view your plot on Galaxy using eye icon
  • You can download your plot on your laptop using download icon

A more comprehensive tutorial can be found here

Learn more about Galaxy

