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Working with Pandas dataframes


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is Pandas?

  • How can I import data with Pandas?

  • Why should I use Pandas to work with data?

  • How can I access specific data within my data set?

  • How can Python and Pandas help me to analyse my data?


What is Pandas? Getting started with pandas

To analyze data, we like to use two-dimensional tables – like in SQL and in Excel. Originally, Python didn’t have this feature. But that’s why Pandas is so important! I like to say, Pandas is the “SQL of Python.” Pandas is the library that will help us to handle two-dimensional data tables in Python. In many senses it’s really similar to SQL, though.

Why should I use Pandas to work with data?


Essential functions

Top 20 most popular pandas function on GitHub (in 2016)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

How can I import data with Pandas?


One-dimensional array-like object (very similar to Numpy 1-D arrays). pd.Series is characterized by an index and a single column.

temperature_Oslo = pd.Series([4, 6, 6, 9, 8, 7, 8]) # temperature in the middle of the day at Blindern for the next 7 days

0    4
1    6
2    6
3    9
4    8
5    7
6    8
dtype: int64

By default, the index starts at 0 and stop at the last value in your pd.Series dataset

temperature_Oslo.index # same as range(7) or np.arange(7)
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=7, step=1)

The index can be modified by accessing the index key pd.Series.index

# indexes can be later modified by doing
temperature_Oslo.index = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
Index(['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday',

The easiest way to create a pd.Series is to define a dictionnary and pass it to the pd.Series

ndata = {'Monday' : 4 , 'Tuesday' : 6 , 'Wednesday' : 6 , 'Thursday' : 9 , 'Friday' : 8 , 'Saturday' : 7, 'Sunday' : 8}

# feed pd.Series the previously created dictionary
temperature_Oslo = pd.Series(ndata)

# print the data on the screen
Monday       4
Tuesday      6
Wednesday    6
Thursday     9
Friday       8
Saturday     7
Sunday       8
dtype: int64

Values within the pd.Series can be accessed either by pd.Series[variable] or pd.Series.variable

# change in temperature between Monday and Tuesday
print (temperature_Oslo['Monday'] - temperature_Oslo['Tuesday'])

# similar to
print (temperature_Oslo.Monday - temperature_Oslo.Tuesday)


DataFrame is the most popular function used in Pandas. Help to deal with large rectangular datasets. There are many ways to construct a DataFrame, and can mostly be separated in two groups:

Creating a DataFrame manually

We can again make us of dictionnary variables but this time we will have a dataset with a multiple number of columns

data = {'Day of the week' : ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],
        'Temperature in the middle of the day' : [4, 6, 6, 9, 8, 7, 8],
        'Wind (m/s)' : [1, 6, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3],
        'Weather conditions' : ['Cloud & Sun', 'Cloud', 'Cloud', 'Cloud & Sun', 'Cloud & Sun', 'Sun', 'Cloud']}

frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

Day of the week Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Weather conditions
0 Monday 4 1 Cloud & Sun
1 Tuesday 6 6 Cloud
2 Wednesday 6 2 Cloud
3 Thursday 9 2 Cloud & Sun
4 Friday 8 4 Cloud & Sun
5 Saturday 7 3 Sun
6 Sunday 8 3 Cloud

Interesting functionalities and how can I access specific data within my data set?

frame.head() # print the first five rows
depth (m) Age_04032019_0,1mm_0,01yr Age. Cal. CE Al Si P S Cl Ar K ... Si/Ti P/Ti Fe/Mn Fe/Ti Pb/Ti S/OM S/Ti Hg/Mn Hg/Ti.1 Hg/MO
0 0.0000 -68.00 2018.00 25 11 12 82 29 136 6 ... 0.137500 0.150000 80.225806 62.175000 0.0 11.958182 1.025000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.0002 -67.97 2017.97 22 0 18 76 23 167 19 ... 0.000000 0.500000 98.203704 147.305556 0.0 10.919643 2.111111 3.092593 4.638889 23.994480
2 0.0004 -67.81 2017.81 53 6 0 37 9 141 19 ... 0.272727 0.000000 92.290323 260.090909 0.0 5.525249 1.681818 0.274194 0.772727 2.538628
3 0.0006 -67.65 2017.65 18 6 17 64 8 167 23 ... 0.157895 0.447368 138.069767 156.236842 0.0 9.239006 1.684211 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
4 0.0008 -67.57 2017.57 36 32 22 74 13 129 23 ... 0.323232 0.222222 75.576471 64.888889 0.0 10.632997 0.747475 1.000000 0.858586 12.213577

5 rows × 45 columns

print (frame.columns) # print name of the columns
Index(['Day of the week', 'Temperature in the middle of the day', 'Wind (m/s)',
       'Weather conditions'],

Apply numpy functions to pandas arrays

np.mean(frame['Temperature in the middle of the day'])

Switch columns in the DataFrame

pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Day of the week', 'Weather conditions', 'Temperature in the middle of the day', 'Wind (m/s)'])
Day of the week Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s)
0 Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1
1 Tuesday Cloud 6 6
2 Wednesday Cloud 6 2
3 Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2
4 Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4
5 Saturday Sun 7 3
6 Sunday Cloud 8 3

Locate row based on your index

print (frame.loc[0])

print (frame.loc[6])
Day of the week                              Monday
Temperature in the middle of the day              4
Wind (m/s)                                        1
Weather conditions                      Cloud & Sun
Name: 0, dtype: object
Day of the week                         Sunday
Temperature in the middle of the day         8
Wind (m/s)                                   3
Weather conditions                       Cloud
Name: 6, dtype: object

Assign values in the DataFrame

# we create a new DataFrame with a new column
nframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Day of the week', 'Weather conditions', 'Temperature in the middle of the day', 
                                     'Wind (m/s)', 'Precipitation (mm)'])

Day of the week Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
0 Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 NaN
1 Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN
2 Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
3 Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
4 Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
5 Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
6 Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN

Modify a single value

nframe['Precipitation (mm)'].values[0] = 2.3

Day of the week Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
0 Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 2.3
1 Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN
2 Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
3 Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
4 Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
5 Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
6 Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN

Modify a slice of values

nframe['Precipitation (mm)'].values[1:4] = 1.0

Day of the week Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
0 Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 2.3
1 Tuesday Cloud 6 6 1
2 Wednesday Cloud 6 2 1
3 Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 1
4 Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
5 Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
6 Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN

Change all values

nframe['Precipitation (mm)'] = 0.0 #equivalent to nframe['Precipitation (mm)'].values[:] = 0.0

Day of the week Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
0 Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 0.0
1 Tuesday Cloud 6 6 0.0
2 Wednesday Cloud 6 2 0.0
3 Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 0.0
4 Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 0.0
5 Saturday Sun 7 3 0.0
6 Sunday Cloud 8 3 0.0

Indexing, reindexing, selection with loc and iloc

nframe = nframe.set_index('Day of the week')

Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
Day of the week
Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 NaN
Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN
Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN
Weather conditions                      Cloud & Sun
Temperature in the middle of the day              4
Wind (m/s)                                        1
Precipitation (mm)                              NaN
Name: Monday, dtype: object
Weather conditions                      Cloud & Sun
Temperature in the middle of the day              4
Wind (m/s)                                        1
Precipitation (mm)                              NaN
Name: Monday, dtype: object
# re-indexing
nframe2 = nframe.reindex(['Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday','Monday', 'Tuesday'])

Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
Day of the week
Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN
Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 NaN
Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN

Sorting of columns

Sort by a column

nframe2.sort_values(by='Temperature in the middle of the day') #default ascending
Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
Day of the week
Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 NaN
Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN
Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN
Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
nframe2.sort_values(by='Temperature in the middle of the day', ascending=False) #descending
Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
Day of the week
Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN
Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN
Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 NaN

Sorting by multiple columns

nframe2.sort_values(by=['Temperature in the middle of the day', 'Wind (m/s)'], ascending=False) #descending
Weather conditions Temperature in the middle of the day Wind (m/s) Precipitation (mm)
Day of the week
Thursday Cloud & Sun 9 2 NaN
Friday Cloud & Sun 8 4 NaN
Sunday Cloud 8 3 NaN
Saturday Sun 7 3 NaN
Tuesday Cloud 6 6 NaN
Wednesday Cloud 6 2 NaN
Monday Cloud & Sun 4 1 NaN

Importing a DataFrame

Data is provided by Manon

path = '../data/Manon/' #directory to the file we would like to import
filename = 'data_manon_python.xlsx'  # filename

frame = pd.read_excel(path + filename)

depth (m) Age_04032019_0,1mm_0,01yr Age. Cal. CE Al Si P S Cl Ar K ... Si/Ti P/Ti Fe/Mn Fe/Ti Pb/Ti S/OM S/Ti Hg/Mn Hg/Ti.1 Hg/MO
0 0.0000 -68.00 2018.00 25 11 12 82 29 136 6 ... 0.137500 0.150000 80.225806 62.175000 0.0 11.958182 1.025000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.0002 -67.97 2017.97 22 0 18 76 23 167 19 ... 0.000000 0.500000 98.203704 147.305556 0.0 10.919643 2.111111 3.092593 4.638889 23.994480
2 0.0004 -67.81 2017.81 53 6 0 37 9 141 19 ... 0.272727 0.000000 92.290323 260.090909 0.0 5.525249 1.681818 0.274194 0.772727 2.538628
3 0.0006 -67.65 2017.65 18 6 17 64 8 167 23 ... 0.157895 0.447368 138.069767 156.236842 0.0 9.239006 1.684211 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
4 0.0008 -67.57 2017.57 36 32 22 74 13 129 23 ... 0.323232 0.222222 75.576471 64.888889 0.0 10.632997 0.747475 1.000000 0.858586 12.213577

5 rows × 45 columns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

%matplotlib inline

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))

gs=GridSpec(2,4) # 2 rows, 4 columns

ax1=fig.add_subplot(gs[:,:2]) # Span all rows, firs two columns
ax2=fig.add_subplot(gs[:,2]) # Span all rows, third column
ax3=fig.add_subplot(gs[:,3]) # Span all rows, fourth column

ax1.set_title('Calibrated Age')
ax2.set_title('Aluminium content')
ax3.set_title('Silicate content')

ax1.plot(frame['Age. Cal. CE'],frame['depth (m)'],"ko")

ax2.plot(frame['Al'],frame['depth (m)'],"bo")

ax3.plot(frame['Si'],frame['depth (m)'],"ro")



Time series

For some of you, most of your data are time series. Time series can be differentiated in two main groups:

we will here see how you can work with timeseries in Pandas

Most important is to have a date format that will be recognized by Python!

Date format

from datetime import datetime

now =

datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 31, 12, 37, 38, 694910)
now.year, now.month,
(2019, 3, 31)

Convertion between String and Datetime

More information about the different datetime format can be found here:

Most commonly used functions are within the datetime and dateutil modules

Date to string format

timestamp = datetime(2019, 1, 1) # date format

str(timestamp) # string format
'2019-01-01 00:00:00'
timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # string format

String to date format

timestamp_str = '2019/04/01'

datetime.strptime(timestamp_str, '%Y/%m/%d')
datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 1, 0, 0)

parse is also a handy function to convert string to date format

Here are few examples:

from dateutil.parser import parse

datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 1, 0, 0)
parse('01/04/2019', dayfirst=True) # day in front
datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 1, 0, 0)

In most cases we will work with intervals of date (either continuous or discontinuous).

The easiest case is for continuous measurements as the integrated function pd.date_range can be used

dates_2019 = pd.date_range(start='2019/01/01', end='2019/04/01') # default is daily data

DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', '2019-01-04',
               '2019-01-05', '2019-01-06', '2019-01-07', '2019-01-08',
               '2019-01-09', '2019-01-10', '2019-01-11', '2019-01-12',
               '2019-01-13', '2019-01-14', '2019-01-15', '2019-01-16',
               '2019-01-17', '2019-01-18', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-20',
               '2019-01-21', '2019-01-22', '2019-01-23', '2019-01-24',
               '2019-01-25', '2019-01-26', '2019-01-27', '2019-01-28',
               '2019-01-29', '2019-01-30', '2019-01-31', '2019-02-01',
               '2019-02-02', '2019-02-03', '2019-02-04', '2019-02-05',
               '2019-02-06', '2019-02-07', '2019-02-08', '2019-02-09',
               '2019-02-10', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-12', '2019-02-13',
               '2019-02-14', '2019-02-15', '2019-02-16', '2019-02-17',
               '2019-02-18', '2019-02-19', '2019-02-20', '2019-02-21',
               '2019-02-22', '2019-02-23', '2019-02-24', '2019-02-25',
               '2019-02-26', '2019-02-27', '2019-02-28', '2019-03-01',
               '2019-03-02', '2019-03-03', '2019-03-04', '2019-03-05',
               '2019-03-06', '2019-03-07', '2019-03-08', '2019-03-09',
               '2019-03-10', '2019-03-11', '2019-03-12', '2019-03-13',
               '2019-03-14', '2019-03-15', '2019-03-16', '2019-03-17',
               '2019-03-18', '2019-03-19', '2019-03-20', '2019-03-21',
               '2019-03-22', '2019-03-23', '2019-03-24', '2019-03-25',
               '2019-03-26', '2019-03-27', '2019-03-28', '2019-03-29',
               '2019-03-30', '2019-03-31', '2019-04-01'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

For discontinuous measurements, you have to build your own list of dates either:

list_of_dates = ['01/01/2019', '19/01/2019', '25/02/2019', '07/03/2019', '01/04/2019'] # day-first european style

converted_list_of_dates = [parse(x, dayfirst=True) for x in list_of_dates]

[datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 19, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 25, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 7, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 1, 0, 0)]

Let’s work with the data Manon provided where a calibrated age frame['Age. Cal. CE'] is available

frame['Age. Cal. CE'].head() #print the first 5 values
0    2018.00
1    2017.97
2    2017.81
3    2017.65
4    2017.57
Name: Age. Cal. CE, dtype: float64

We need to transform this column into a date format pandas will familiar with

There are several ways of doing that!

Extracting the year

years = np.floor(frame['Age. Cal. CE'].values)

array([ 2018.,  2017.,  2017., ..., -9718., -9719., -9720.])
years = years.astype('int')

years_str = years.astype('str')

array(['2018', '2017', '2017', ..., '-9718', '-9719', '-9720'],

Extracting the month and the day

months_and_days = frame['Age. Cal. CE'].values - years

array([0.  , 0.97, 0.81, ..., 0.62, 0.76, 0.91])
months_and_days2 = np.round(months_and_days * 365.25)
months_and_days3 = months_and_days2.astype('int') # integer
array([  0, 354, 296, ..., 226, 278, 332])
# set 0 equal to 1 (avoid problem with day of the year = 0)
months_and_days3[months_and_days3 < 1] = 1 

array([  1, 354, 296, ..., 226, 278, 332])
months_and_days_str = months_and_days3.astype('str')
array(['1', '354', '296', ..., '226', '278', '332'], dtype='<U11')
tmp_date = years_str[0].zfill(4) + "/" + months_and_days_str[0].zfill(3) #zfill write 331 as 0331

datetime_viking = [] # create an empty list

# need to loop through the numpy array
for ix, dates_i in np.ndenumerate(months_and_days_str): #loop through strings
    # we save only the dates before Jesus
    if years[ix] > 0: #datetime does not support negative years or BC dates, need to work with Julian date format?
        tmp_date = years_str[ix].zfill(4) + "/" + months_and_days_str[ix].zfill(3)
        # save to originally empty list
        datetime_viking.append(datetime.strptime(tmp_date, '%Y/%j'))
datetime_viking[:5] # print first five dates
[datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 20, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 23, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 27, 0, 0)]
# need to convert to pandas datetime (datetime_viking is a list while we need to work with pandas or numpy array)

# empty panda series
date_pandas = pd.Series([])

#need to use period if we want to work with period younger than 1677

for ix, datev in enumerate(datetime_viking):
    date_tmp = pd.Period(year= datetime_viking[ix].year, month =datetime_viking[ix].month, day = datetime_viking[ix].day, freq='D')  
    #print (date_tmp)
    date_pandas = date_pandas.append(pd.Series([date_tmp]))
0    2018-01-01
0    2017-12-20
0    2017-10-23
0    2017-08-25
0    2017-07-27
dtype: period[D]
# we need to create a new data frame containing only data before JC
frame_shortened = frame.iloc[0:len(datetime_viking)]

# and we set the dates as index
frame_shortened.index = date_pandas

# let's have a look at the dataframe
depth (m) Age_04032019_0,1mm_0,01yr Age. Cal. CE Al Si P S Cl Ar K ... Si/Ti P/Ti Fe/Mn Fe/Ti Pb/Ti S/OM S/Ti Hg/Mn Hg/Ti.1 Hg/MO
2018-01-01 0.0000 -68.00 2018.00 25 11 12 82 29 136 6 ... 0.137500 0.150000 80.225806 62.175000 0.0 11.958182 1.025000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2017-12-20 0.0002 -67.97 2017.97 22 0 18 76 23 167 19 ... 0.000000 0.500000 98.203704 147.305556 0.0 10.919643 2.111111 3.092593 4.638889 23.994480
2017-10-23 0.0004 -67.81 2017.81 53 6 0 37 9 141 19 ... 0.272727 0.000000 92.290323 260.090909 0.0 5.525249 1.681818 0.274194 0.772727 2.538628
2017-08-25 0.0006 -67.65 2017.65 18 6 17 64 8 167 23 ... 0.157895 0.447368 138.069767 156.236842 0.0 9.239006 1.684211 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2017-07-27 0.0008 -67.57 2017.57 36 32 22 74 13 129 23 ... 0.323232 0.222222 75.576471 64.888889 0.0 10.632997 0.747475 1.000000 0.858586 12.213577

5 rows × 45 columns

Resampling and Frequency Conversion

Let’s say we would like to downsample for every year.

nframe_resampled = frame_shortened.resample('25Y').mean() # seems that it's indexing from year 0000 and to our time now
#every 10 years

# you can also sum the values
#frame_shortened.resample('Y', closed='right').sum().head()
depth (m) Age_04032019_0,1mm_0,01yr Age. Cal. CE Al Si P S Cl Ar K ... Si/Ti P/Ti Fe/Mn Fe/Ti Pb/Ti S/OM S/Ti Hg/Mn Hg/Ti.1 Hg/MO
0001 2.4745 1936.472647 13.527353 29.872549 35.637255 25.529412 38.784314 11.509804 86.343137 25.294118 ... 0.979590 0.795697 131.434015 1134.813577 4.476796 6.954856 1.150850 0.232581 1.461225 9.769755
0026 2.4536 1911.445607 38.554393 29.121495 29.831776 23.420561 40.149533 9.485981 85.831776 22.364486 ... 1.008435 0.809064 129.686522 1026.843370 4.456455 7.024561 1.338224 0.202993 1.404651 7.962508
0051 2.4319 1886.336636 63.663364 26.600000 25.218182 22.481818 46.072727 8.127273 81.954545 34.800000 ... 0.470982 0.422703 152.744324 754.936524 2.395731 8.270683 0.859799 0.205130 0.749769 8.938881
0076 2.4096 1861.424425 88.575575 29.929204 33.230088 20.300885 38.823009 8.345133 82.504425 33.964602 ... 0.731724 0.487536 159.460980 795.447998 2.962079 6.818901 0.907021 0.253967 1.129387 9.451832
0101 2.3865 1836.523390 113.476610 30.796610 30.415254 21.788136 34.127119 8.194915 83.338983 40.889831 ... 0.442983 0.336578 145.457037 574.431424 1.479630 6.148550 0.520424 0.180213 0.666759 8.252349

5 rows × 45 columns

depth (m) Age_04032019_0,1mm_0,01yr Age. Cal. CE Al Si P S Cl Ar K ... Si/Ti P/Ti Fe/Mn Fe/Ti Pb/Ti S/OM S/Ti Hg/Mn Hg/Ti.1 Hg/MO
0002-02-24 2.4838 1947.85 2.15 47 37 40 83 22 95 28 ... 1.370370 1.481481 112.800000 814.666667 1.148148 13.990493 3.074074 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0001-11-25 2.4840 1948.10 1.90 60 60 58 46 8 88 50 ... 1.578947 1.526316 152.258741 572.973684 3.605263 7.659947 1.210526 0.153846 0.578947 3.663453
0001-08-25 2.4842 1948.35 1.65 43 53 27 34 25 78 40 ... 0.768116 0.391304 135.043750 313.144928 1.289855 5.718358 0.492754 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0001-05-30 2.4844 1948.59 1.41 46 61 0 18 27 78 16 ... 0.835616 0.000000 138.789157 315.602740 0.602740 2.930467 0.246575 0.512048 1.164384 13.838318
0001-02-27 2.4846 1948.84 1.16 20 39 9 38 14 77 39 ... 1.218750 0.281250 156.391608 698.875000 5.500000 6.093947 1.187500 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

5 rows × 45 columns

Does this help with the interpretation of the data?

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))

gs=GridSpec(2,4) # 2 rows, 4 columns

ax1=fig.add_subplot(gs[:,:2]) # Span all rows, firs two columns
ax2=fig.add_subplot(gs[:,2]) # Span all rows, third column
ax3=fig.add_subplot(gs[:,3]) # Span all rows, fourth column

ax1.set_title('Calibrated Age')
ax2.set_title('Aluminium content')
ax3.set_title('Silicate content')

ax1.plot(nframe_resampled['Age. Cal. CE'],nframe_resampled['depth (m)'],"k-o")

ax2.plot(nframe_resampled['Al'],nframe_resampled['depth (m)'],"b-o")

ax3.plot(nframe_resampled['Si'],nframe_resampled['depth (m)'],"r-o")



Numpy arrays to pandas dataframe

Write to csv file

import pathlib
import glob
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os

path = '/opt/uio/deep_python/data/Nina/' #directory to the file we would like to import
filenames = glob.glob(path + "Inline_*.dat")

for file in filenames:
    data = np.loadtxt(file, dtype='str')
    frame[1].astype('float', inplace=True)
    frame[2].astype('float', inplace=True)
    frame[3] = frame[3].astype('float', inplace=True)+0.000001
    newfile = os.path.dirname(file) + '/' + pathlib.Path(file).stem + '_cal.dat'
    frame.to_csv(newfile, header=None, sep=' ', float_format="%.6f",  index=False)

Key Points