An introductory course on how to configure, run and make your own recipes for ESMValtool.
Throughout the workshop, participants will have access to the ESMValTool pre-installed on the NIRD storage facility, along with the required CMIP model output and observational datasets.
Deadline for registration, 7th May, 2023
The training is designed for PhD students, researchers, model developers, and climate scientists who are interested in leveraging the powerful diagnostic capabilities of ESMValTool for their work with the CMIP model data.
The workshop is targeted for beginner and intermediate level of the ESMValTool!
Please get familiar with the following softwares.
For general questions, please send email to the contact below who is the neareast to you.
The presentations will also be streamed via Zoom (limited online support) (Zoom link will be sent seperately)
(The training materials will be uploaded before/after the workshop. ) (HackMD notes for Q/A, click here, the archived pdf) to open.)
Day 1 (May 30, Tuesday)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
Day 2 (May 31 , Wednesday)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
This workshop is free of charge. It is supported by NICEST2 (funded by NordForsk), iNES-interim and KeyCLIM.