Hands-on for the ESMValTool Workshop: Write a simple recipe and diagnostic script


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 90 min

Building a recipe from scratch

The basic structure of a recipe:

The Task

The task is to write a recipe and diagnostic script, to calculate the averaged global surface_temperature in recent years, and also the time series for the recent decades, plot the results, save the figures and the calculated data (e.g., the climatology and timeseries)

We start from scratch (using the examples/recipe_my_personal_diagnostic.yml as template):

First, open a new file called recipe_mydiag.yml:

cd ~/esmvaltool_workshop
vi recipe_mydiag.yml

Exercise: write a minimum recipe

Let’s add a minimum documentation part and diagnostic parts, as a start. We don’t add actual diagnostic script, but use null as the placeholder for the diagnostic script.

 # ESMValTool
 # recipe_mydiag.yml
     <your title>
     - <author name>
     - <maintainer name>
     description: <desc>


# ESMValTool
# recipe_mydiag.yml

    An example recipe
    An example recipe created for the ESMValTool Workshop
    - unmaintained
    - unmaintained

    description: "my test diagnostic script"
    scripts: null

Notice that yaml always requires 2 spaces indentation between the different levels.

We will try to run the recipe after every modification we make, to see if it (still) works.

About the authors

Note, here unmaintained is use for the authors and maintainers.

The author information must already contained in config_references.yml. There is not easy way to make customized author list. Therefore, we use the general name unmaintained as the author.

Try to run the recipe each time when something is changed, to see if it (still) works.

esmvaltool run recipe_mydiag.yml

In this case, it gives an error. Below you see the last few lines of the error message.

2023-05-29 21:53:35,903 UTC [121412] INFO    These tasks will be executed:
2023-05-29 21:53:36,260 UTC [121412] INFO    Maximum memory used (estimate): 0.0 GB
2023-05-29 21:53:36,261 UTC [121412] INFO    Sampled every second. It may be inaccurate if short but high spikes in memory consumption occur.
2023-05-29 21:53:36,261 UTC [121412] ERROR   No tasks to run!

Although there is no actual error in the recipe, ESMValTool assumes you mistakenly left out a variable name to process and alerts you with this error message.

We will add variable entry after we add the datasets section.

Adding a dataset section

Let’s add a datasets section.

We have configured and explored the CMIP datasets on NIRD in the previous session Find data and configure esmvaltool Try to pick up at least two dataset, one from NorESM and one orESM2-LM from CMIP6, and one from other model.

Filling in the dataset keys

Use the paths rootpath specified in the configuration file (config_user.yml) to explore the data directory, and look at the explanation of the dataset section in the ESMValTool documentation

For both the datasets, write down the following properties:

  • project
  • variable (short name)
  • CMIP table
  • dataset (model name or obs/reanalysis dataset)
  • experiment
  • ensemble member
  • grid
  • start year
  • end year


The following command might be used to help you list the avaiable datasets:

$ ls /projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/CMIP6/CMIP/*/*/historical/*/Amon/tas
$ ls /projects/NS9034K/CMIP6/CMIP/NCC/NorESM2-LM/historical/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tas/gn/v20190815/
$ ls /projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/cmip5/output1/*/*/historical/mon/atmos/Amon/*/v1/tas
key file 1 file 2
project CMIP6 CMIP5
short name tas tas
CMIP table Amon Amon
dataset BCC-ESM1 CanESM2
experiment historical historical
ensemble r1i1p1f1 r1i1p1
grid gn (native grid) N/A
start year 1850 1850
end year 2014 2005

Note that the grid key is only required for CMIP6 data, and that the extent of the historical period has changed between CMIP5 and CMIP6.

We start with the BCC-ESM1 dataset and add a datasets section to the recipe, listing a single dataset, as shown below. Note that key fields such as mip or start_year are included in the datasets section here but are part of the diagnostic section in the recipe example seen in

  - {dataset: BCC-ESM1, project: CMIP6, mip: Amon, exp: historical, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: NorESM2-LM, project: CMIP6, mip: Amon, exp: historical, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: EC-Earth3, project: CMIP6, mip: Amon, exp: historical, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr}

The recipe should run but produce the same message as in the previous case since we still have not included a variable to actually process. We have not included the short name of the variable in this dataset section because this allows us to reuse this dataset entry with different variable names later on. This is not really necessary for our simple use case, but it is common practice in ESMValTool.

Adding the preprocessor section

In the preprocessor, we will need to define preprocessors to do two tasks.

  1. Make long-term average the global gridded temperature data to get a climatology
  2. Make annual average and convert the global data to a timeseries of temperature.

Defining the preprocessor

Have a look at the available preprocessors in the documentation. Write down

  • Which preprocessor functions do you think we should use?
  • What are the parameters that we can pass to these functions?
  • What do you think should be the order of the preprocessors?
  • A suitable name for the overall preprocessor


We need to calculate global means and to calculate the timeseries. We use regrid to remap the data to 1x1. climate_statistics preprocessor, to calculate long-term mean. area_statistics preprocessor to calculate global mean.

The default order in which these preprocessors are applied can be seen here: area_statistics comes before anomalies. If you want to change this, you can use the custom_order preprocessor. We will keep it like this.

Let’s name our preprocessor global_anomalies.

Add the following block to your recipe file:

      target_grid: 1x1
      scheme: linear
      operator: mean
      period: full
      units: degrees_C
      target_grid: 1x1
      scheme: linear
      operator: mean
      operator: mean
      units: degrees_C

You can reuse parameters from one script to another, more documentation

    regrid: &regrid_setting
      target_grid: 1x1
      scheme: linear
      <<: *regrid_setting
      #target_grid: 1x1
      #scheme: linear

then for mypp2, it will use the same configuration for the regrid preprocessor.

Completing the diagnostics section

Now we are ready to finish our diagnostics section. Remember that we want to make two tasks: a preprocessor task, and a diagnostic task. To illustrate that we can also pass settings to the diagnostic script, we add the option to specify a custom colormap.

Fill in the blanks

Extend the diagnostics section in your recipe by filling in the blanks in the following template:

  <... (suitable name for our diagnostic)>:
    description: <...>
      <... (suitable name for the preprocessed variable)>:
        short_name: <...>
        preprocessor: <...>
      <... (suitable name for our python script)>:
        script: <full path to python script>
        colormap: <... choose from matplotlib colormaps>


   description: "my test diagnostic script"
       script: null

We have not actully written the diagnostic script yet, so we put null in the script part.

Let’s start writing the recipe in the next exercise.

Understanding an existing Python diagnostic

If you clone the ESMValTool repository, a folder called ESMValTool is created in your home/working directory

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/ESMValGroup/ESMValTool.git
cd ESMValTool

The folder ESMValTool contains the source code of the tool. We can find the recipe recipe_python.yml and the python script diagnostic.py in these directories:

- ~/ESMValTool/esmvaltool/recipes/examples/recipe_python.yml
- ~/ESMValTool/esmvaltool/diag_scripts/examples/diagnostic.py

Let’s have look at the code in diagnostic.py. For reference, we show the diagnostic code in the dropdown box below. There are four main sections in the script:

  • A description i.e. the docstring (line 1).
  • Import statements (line 2-16).
  • Functions that implement our analysis (line 21-101).
  • A typical Python top-level script i.e. if __name__ == '__main__' (line 102-107).


 1:  """Python example diagnostic."""
 2:  import logging
 3:  from pathlib import Path
 4:  from pprint import pformat
 6:  import iris
 8:  from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import (
 9:      group_metadata,
10:      run_diagnostic,
11:      save_data,
12:      save_figure,
13:      select_metadata,
14:      sorted_metadata,
15:  )
16:  from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared.plot import quickplot
18:  logger = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__).stem)
21:  def get_provenance_record(attributes, ancestor_files):
22:      """Create a provenance record describing the diagnostic data and plot."""
23:      caption = ("Average {long_name} between {start_year} and {end_year} "
24:                 "according to {dataset}.".format(**attributes))
26:      record = {
27:          'caption': caption,
28:          'statistics': ['mean'],
29:          'domains': ['global'],
30:          'plot_types': ['zonal'],
31:          'authors': [
32:              'andela_bouwe',
33:              'righi_mattia',
34:          ],
35:          'references': [
36:              'acknow_project',
37:          ],
38:          'ancestors': ancestor_files,
39:      }
40:      return record
43:  def compute_diagnostic(filename):
44:      """Compute an example diagnostic."""
45:      logger.debug("Loading %s", filename)
46:      cube = iris.load_cube(filename)
48:      logger.debug("Running example computation")
49:      cube = iris.util.squeeze(cube)
50:      return cube
53:  def plot_diagnostic(cube, basename, provenance_record, cfg):
54:      """Create diagnostic data and plot it."""
56:      # Save the data used for the plot
57:      save_data(basename, provenance_record, cfg, cube)
59:      if cfg.get('quickplot'):
60:          # Create the plot
61:          quickplot(cube, **cfg['quickplot'])
62:          # And save the plot
63:          save_figure(basename, provenance_record, cfg)
66:  def main(cfg):
67:      """Compute the time average for each input dataset."""
68:      # Get a description of the preprocessed data that we will use as input.
69:      input_data = cfg['input_data'].values()
71:      # Demonstrate use of metadata access convenience functions.
72:      selection = select_metadata(input_data, short_name='tas', project='CMIP5')
73:      logger.info("Example of how to select only CMIP5 temperature data:\n%s",
74:                  pformat(selection))
76:      selection = sorted_metadata(selection, sort='dataset')
77:      logger.info("Example of how to sort this selection by dataset:\n%s",
78:                  pformat(selection))
80:      grouped_input_data = group_metadata(input_data,
81:                                          'variable_group',
82:                                          sort='dataset')
83:      logger.info(
84:          "Example of how to group and sort input data by variable groups from "
85:          "the recipe:\n%s", pformat(grouped_input_data))
87:      # Example of how to loop over variables/datasets in alphabetical order
88:      groups = group_metadata(input_data, 'variable_group', sort='dataset')
89:      for group_name in groups:
90:          logger.info("Processing variable %s", group_name)
91:          for attributes in groups[group_name]:
92:              logger.info("Processing dataset %s", attributes['dataset'])
93:              input_file = attributes['filename']
94:              cube = compute_diagnostic(input_file)
96:              output_basename = Path(input_file).stem
97:              if group_name != attributes['short_name']:
98:                  output_basename = group_name + '_' + output_basename
99:              provenance_record = get_provenance_record(
100:                  attributes, ancestor_files=[input_file])
101:              plot_diagnostic(cube, output_basename, provenance_record, cfg)
104:  if __name__ == '__main__':
106:      with run_diagnostic() as config:
107:          main(config)

What is the starting point of a diagnostic?

  1. Can you spot a function called main in the code above?
  2. What are its input arguments?
  3. How many times is this function mentioned?


  1. The main function is defined in line 66 as main(cfg).
  2. The input argument to this function is the variable cfg, a Python dictionary that holds all the necessary information needed to run the diagnostic script such as the location of input data and various settings. We will next parse this cfg variable in the main function and extract information as needed to do our analyses (e.g. in line 69).
  3. The main function is called near the very end on line 107. So, it is mentioned twice in our code - once where it is called by the top-level Python script and second where it is defined.

The function run_diagnostic

The function run_diagnostic (line 106) is called a context manager provided with ESMValTool and is the main entry point for most Python diagnostics.

Exercise: Write a simplist diagnostic script to interface with the preprocessed data from the recipe.

  1. write a if __name__ == '__main__' and include run_diagnostic() as entry point.
  2. write a main() to call the run_diagnostic()


write the python diagnostic script:

cd ~/esmvaltool_workshop
vi mydiag.py

and put the following script snippet:

""" mydiag.py """
# import libraries for logging
from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import run_diagnostic

def main(cfg):
    # Get a description of the preprocessed data that we will use as input.
    input_data = cfg['input_data'].values()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with run_diagnostic() as config:

The print(input_data) statment will print the information of the preprocessed data that the ESMValCore will pass to the diagnostic script.

Also update the recipe file recipe_mydiag.yml to include this script:

   description: "my test diagnostic script"
       script: ~/esmvaltool_workshop/mydiag.py

Now, run the recipe with implemented diagnostic script:

cd ~/esmvaltool_workshop
esmvaltool run ./recipe_mydiag.yml

The log in the terminal (also found in the main_log.txt, e.g in http://ns9560k.web.sigma2.no/diagnostics/esmvaltool/<your_user>/tmp/recipe_mydiag_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS/run/main_log.txt)

INFO    [316548] Writing log to /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/run/diag_name/myscript/log.txt
INFO    [316548] To re-run this diagnostic script, run:
cd /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/run/diag_name/myscript; MPLBACKEND="Agg" /diagnostics/esmvaltool/2.8.0/bin/python /nird/home/yanchun/esmvaltool_workshop/mydiag.py /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/run/diag_name/myscript/settings.yml

For example, in the log file shown above /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/run/diag_name/myscript/log.txt, you can find the output like:

2023-05-30 11:09:12,214 [316552] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,511| Starting diagnostic script myscript with configuration:
auxiliary_data_dir: /projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/auxiliary_data
input_data: {}
input_files: []
log_level: info
output_file_type: png
plot_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/plots/diag_name/myscript
recipe: recipe_mydiag.yml
run_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/run/diag_name/myscript
script: myscript
version: 2.8.0
work_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/work/diag_name/myscript

2023-05-30 11:09:12,215 [316552] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,550| Creating /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/work/diag_name/myscript
2023-05-30 11:09:12,215 [316552] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,550| Creating /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/plots/diag_name/myscript
2023-05-30 11:09:12,216 [316552] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,560| End of diagnostic script run.

This is what print(input_data) has write out.

And the input_data value is actually coming from the file /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_110907/run/diag_name/myscript/settings.yml, which is the main metadata information that ESMValCore pass to the ESMValTool (i.e., the diagnostic script)

However, the input_data dictionary is empty (i.e., input_data: {}). That is because we have not actually added variable in the diagnostic script for preprocessing, and that is whay it is empty.

Let’s add some variables in the diagnostic section of recipe_mydiag.yml.

add in recipe_mydiag.yml

        short_name: tas
        preprocessor: mypp_map
        mip: Amon
        start_year: 2000
        end_year: 2014
        script: ~/esmvaltool_workshop/mydiag.py
    description: "my test diagnostic script"
        short_name: tas
        preprocessor: mypp_ts
        mip: Amon
        start_year: 1970
        end_year: 2014

Run the recipe again, and you will get some real output, e.g., http://ns9560k.web.sigma2.no/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/run/map/myscript/log.txt and http://ns9560k.web.sigma2.no/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/run/timeseries/myscript/log.txt

more detailed output

2023-05-30 12:40:32,684 [355246] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,511	Starting diagnostic script myscript with configuration:
auxiliary_data_dir: /projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/auxiliary_data
  ? /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/CMIP6_EC-Earth3_Amon_historical_r1i1p1f1_tas_gr_2000-2014.nc
  : activity: CMIP
    alias: EC-Earth3
    dataset: EC-Earth3
    diagnostic: map
    end_year: 2014
    ensemble: r1i1p1f1
    exp: historical
    filename: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/CMIP6_EC-Earth3_Amon_historical_r1i1p1f1_tas_gr_2000-2014.nc
    frequency: mon
    grid: gr
    - EC-Earth-Consortium
    long_name: Near-Surface Air Temperature
    mip: Amon
    - atmos
    preprocessor: mypp_map
    project: CMIP6
    recipe_dataset_index: 1
    short_name: tas
    standard_name: air_temperature
    start_year: 2000
    timerange: 2000/2014
    units: degrees_C
    variable_group: tas_map
    version: v20200310
  ? /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/CMIP6_NorESM2-LM_Amon_historical_r1i1p1f1_tas_gn_2000-2014.nc
  : activity: CMIP
    alias: NorESM2-LM
    dataset: NorESM2-LM
    diagnostic: map
    end_year: 2014
    ensemble: r1i1p1f1
    exp: historical
    filename: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/CMIP6_NorESM2-LM_Amon_historical_r1i1p1f1_tas_gn_2000-2014.nc
    frequency: mon
    grid: gn
    - NCC
    long_name: Near-Surface Air Temperature
    mip: Amon
    - atmos
    preprocessor: mypp_map
    project: CMIP6
    recipe_dataset_index: 0
    short_name: tas
    standard_name: air_temperature
    start_year: 2000
    timerange: 2000/2014
    units: degrees_C
    variable_group: tas_map
    version: v20190815
- /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/metadata.yml
log_level: info
output_file_type: png
plot_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/plots/map/myscript
recipe: recipe_mydiag.yml
run_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/run/map/myscript
script: myscript
version: 2.8.0
work_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/work/map/myscript
2023-05-30 12:40:32,685 [355246] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,550	Creating /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/work/map/myscript
2023-05-30 12:40:32,686 [355246] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,550	Creating /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/plots/map/myscript
2023-05-30 12:40:32,686 [355246] INFO     esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base,560	End of diagnostic script run.
dict_values([{'activity': 'CMIP', 'alias': 'EC-Earth3', 'dataset': 'EC-Earth3', 'diagnostic': 'map', 'end_year': 2014, 'ensemble': 'r1i1p1f1', 'exp': 'historical', 'filename': '/projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/CMIP6_EC-Earth3_Amon_historical_r1i1p1f1_tas_gr_2000-2014.nc', 'frequency': 'mon', 'grid': 'gr', 'institute': ['EC-Earth-Consortium'], 'long_name': 'Near-Surface Air Temperature', 'mip': 'Amon', 'modeling_realm': ['atmos'], 'preprocessor': 'mypp_map', 'project': 'CMIP6', 'recipe_dataset_index': 1, 'short_name': 'tas', 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'start_year': 2000, 'timerange': '2000/2014', 'units': 'degrees_C', 'variable_group': 'tas_map', 'version': 'v20200310'}, {'activity': 'CMIP', 'alias': 'NorESM2-LM', 'dataset': 'NorESM2-LM', 'diagnostic': 'map', 'end_year': 2014, 'ensemble': 'r1i1p1f1', 'exp': 'historical', 'filename': '/projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/yanchun/tmp/recipe_mydiag_20230530_124004/preproc/map/tas_map/CMIP6_NorESM2-LM_Amon_historical_r1i1p1f1_tas_gn_2000-2014.nc', 'frequency': 'mon', 'grid': 'gn', 'institute': ['NCC'], 'long_name': 'Near-Surface Air Temperature', 'mip': 'Amon', 'modeling_realm': ['atmos'], 'preprocessor': 'mypp_map', 'project': 'CMIP6', 'recipe_dataset_index': 0, 'short_name': 'tas', 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'start_year': 2000, 'timerange': '2000/2014', 'units': 'degrees_C', 'variable_group': 'tas_map', 'version': 'v20190815'}])

complete the diagnostic script

Finally, we expand the diagnostic script to do some really anaanalysis, plot the figure, and save the figures. To do so, we need:

  • Import some additional pythyon libraries (iris, matploblib, etc) to help with ploting, etc
    import iris
    import iris.quickplot
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Import some additional ESMValTool diagnostic interfaces for operating with the meta data information from the preprocessor
    from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import run_diagnostic, group_metadata
  • Import some libraries to help with logging the results (only help to makes the logging looks better)
    # import libraries for logging
    import logging
    from pathlib import Path
    from pprint import pformat
  • And do the actuall analysis, plotting, saving in the main prgram.
    def main(cfg)
      # Example of how to loop over dervied variables
      groups = group_metadata(input_data, 'variable_group', sort='dataset')
      for loop to loop trough dataset
          load data
          plot the data
          save the figure

Final diagnostic script

# import libraries for logging
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat

from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import run_diagnostic, group_metadata

import iris
import iris.quickplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared.plot import quickplot

logger = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__).stem)

def main(cfg):
    """Compute the time average for each input dataset."""
    # Get a description of the preprocessed data that we will use as input.
    input_data = cfg['input_data'].values()

    #selections = select_metadata(input_data, short_name='tas', project='CMIP6')
    #logger.info("Example of how to select only CMIP6 temperature data:\n%s",

    # Example of how to loop over dervied variables
    groups = group_metadata(input_data, 'variable_group', sort='dataset')
    for group_name in groups:
        logger.info("Processing variable %s", group_name)
        for attributes in groups[group_name]:
            logger.info("Processing dataset %s", attributes['dataset'])
            input_file = attributes['filename']
            var_name   = attributes['short_name']
            cube = iris.load_cube(input_file)

            basename = Path(input_file).stem
            plot_dir = cfg['plot_dir']
            file_type = cfg['output_file_type']

            if "tas_map" in group_name:

            if "tas_ts" in group_name:
                plot = iris.quickplot.plot(cube)


            if cfg.get('quickplot'):
                #Create the plot
                quickplot(cube, **cfg['quickplot'])
                #And save the plot
                save_figure(basename, provenance_record, cfg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with run_diagnostic() as config:

Browser the final result at:


Note, there is no figure shown in the index page, probablly because we don’t use the esmvaltool save_figure() function. And we lack the provenance_record for the generated data and plots, as it is not properly done yet in the diagnostic script.