An introduction to NorESM model output and post-processing

This guide includes introductory information on:

  • Format of NorESM model output
  • Programs to process model files and visualize the results
  • The NorESM Diagnostic Tool Package, a command line tool to automatically generate a variety of different plots and metrics from model output files, which can be used to evaluate a simulation as the first step in the research process.
  • Stand-alone pre-process typical irregular model output


  1. Basic knowlege of Unix/Linux shell for file navigation and edition.
  2. Understand the netCDF for creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.
  3. Basics in one or more programming languages (Shell scripting, NCL, etc).


20 min Basics on NorESM model output Where does the model data files stored?
What is the format of the data?
What are the irregularities of the data?
20 min Tools for file operation and visualization
20 min The NorESM Diagnostic Tool Package
90 min Exercise part 1 The NorESM Diagnostic Tool
20 min Special post-processing
90 min Exercise part 2 Preprocess of model output of irregular grids