NorESM output and post-processing: The NorESM Diagnostic Tool Package


Teaching: 20 min
  • Get an overview of diagnostic package.

NorESM Diagnostic Package:

… is a NorESM model evaluation tool written with a set of scripts and utilities (bash, NCL, NCO, CDO etc) to provide a general evaluation and quick preview of the model performance with only one command line.

Components of the package:

The diagnostic tool package consists atmospheric/land components based on the NCAR package.

  • CAM_DIAG: (NCAR’s AMWG Diagnostics Package)
  • CLM_DIAG: (CESM Land Model Diagnostics Package)
  • CICE_DIAG: snow/sea ice volume/area
  • HAMOCC_DIAG: time series, climaotology, zonal mean, regional mean
  • BLOM_DIAG: time series, climatologies, zonal mean, fluxes, etc

It has a one-line command interface, and is simple-to-use.

# run this wraper script without parameters shows basic usage
$ diag_run
Version: 2.1
Short description:
A wrapper script for NorESM diagnostic packages.

Basic usage:
# model-obs diagnostics
$ diag_run -m [model] -c [test case name] -s [test case start yr] -e [test case end yr]
# model1-model2 diagnostics
$ diag_run -m [model] -c [test case name] -s [test case start yr] -e [test case end yr] -c2 [cntl case name] -s2 [cntl case start yr] -e2 [cntl case end yr]

Two types of analysis

1. Compare model with observations

2m Air temperature Sea surface temperature
$ diag_run --model=cam,cice,blom \ 
--case=CASENAME \ 
--start_year=51 \ 
--end_year=100 \ 
--input-dir=/PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER \ 
--output-dir=/PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DATA \ 

# or its short version
$ diag_run -m cam,cice,blom -c CASENAME -s 51 -e 100 -i /PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER -o /PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DATA -w /PATH/TO/GENERATED/WEBPAGES

2. Compare model with control (another simulation)

2m Air temperature Sea surface temperature
$ diag_run --model=cam,cice,blom \ 
--case1=CASENAME1 \
--start_year1=51 \
--end_year1=100 \
--input-dir1=/PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER1 \
--case2=CASENAME2 \
--start_year2=2 \
--end_year2=50 \
--input-dir2=/PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER2 \
--output-dir=/PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DATA \

# or its short version
$ diag_run -m cam,cice,blom -c1 CASENAME1 -s1 51 -e1 100 -i1 /PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER1 \
                            -c2 CASENAME2 -s2 1  -e2 50  -i2 /PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER2 \
                            -o /PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DATA \
                            -w /PATH/TO/GENERATED/WEBPAGES

Sets of diagnostics

Atmospheric diagnostics (example plots) Ocean diagnostics(Example plots) Biogeochemistry diagnostics (Example plots)  
Land diagnostics (example plots) Sea ice diagnostics (Example plots)    

Browse plots online at:

  • shared diagnostics are stored under commom/
  • personal diagnostics are store under $username/


If you don’t have access to the NS2345K project, you have to specify another directory to write your webpage output by -w option.
You can then make a tarball (tar -cvzf casenme.tar.gz /path/to/the/weboutput)
And download to your local computer to view with your browser.

Code structure

code structure code languages


Where is it?

  • Github:
  • NIRD: /projects/NS2345K/diagnostics/noresm
  • Betzy: /trd-project1/NS2345K/diagnostics/noresm (NOT tested!)

Do NOT directly modify /trd-project1/NS2345K/diagnostics/noresm!

Install your own copy?

Yes you can, when you:

  • don’t have access to NIRD at all.
  • or have account on NIRD, but don’t have access to project NS2345K.
    # log on NIRD
    git clone
  • or you want to make changes of the code at your will and/or want to contribute to the code.
    You can first fork to your private repository and clone to install.
    and then make soft links by the tool bin/ to /projects/NS2345K/www/diagnostics/inputdata,
    or download the observational data by bin/ from

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