Nordic coupled atmosphere-wave-ice-ocean modelling workshop

April, 28-29, 2020

A workshop will be organised at FMI to present the current status of coupling regional atmosphere and ocean modelling systems and discuss our future plans.

Nordic coupled atmosphere-wave-ice-ocean modelling workshop

Join us to discuss how to forward coupling of the atmosphere, wave, ice and ocean models both for operational forecasting and climate and ocean reanalysis!

The workshop topics cover, but are not limited to:

The first day of the workshop focuses on presenting our current knowledge. The second day is reserved for discussions on how we want to go forward and what it requires.

We invite participants from Meteorological and Marine Institutes that are involved in regional NWP, oceanographic forecasting and climate and ocean reanalysis.

Please register to the meeting by sending an email to Laura Tuomi (

For more information please contact Laura Tuomi ( or Carl Fortelius (

The pictures by Photo by Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash are licensed under Unsplash license.