NIRD access

  1. Follow this invitation link:
  2. In Other login alternatives select your preferred social media authenticator e.g. either Linkedin, Twitter or facebook (and if you have none then create a “Feide guest users” account)

If you need to create a Feide guest users account:

  1. register a new account

  2. finish the registration process

  3. click again on the invitation link above

  4. login with Feide guest users

  5. accept the different policies and agree to become a member of the EScience-Abisko. The browser may display the message Loading group details

  6. Now go to EOSC-Nordic JupyterLab:

    1. Click “Sign in with Dataporten”
    2. Login to the hub and a JupyterLab should now be displayed (see


NICEST2 is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). NeIC is an organisational unit under NordForsk.

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