Containerization of NorESM/CESM: NorESM/CESM docker

Docker containers

Containers for running ESM related tools.


  1. Create a conda recipe for your tool. We usually add it either in conda-forge or bioconda.
  2. When using bioconda, you will get a Docker container out-of-the-box which you can use as a starting point for running a specific configuration
  3. Publish your docker. We use dockerhub and

License: MIT

How to get inputdata

You will need wget to download the corresponding inputdata for each each you will be running.

sudo yum install wget -y

Docker for Community Earth System Models (CESM)

Community Earth System Model (CESM) supports several configurations. We provide examples on how to run CESM with docker containers. Several compset and resolutions have been tested and input data stored in zenodo to facilitate the usage and deployment of these docker containers.
