7 core Workflows

We have identified 7 different types of workflows:

  • W1 - Workflow “Running an Earth System Model to simulate specific events/scenarios (for example changing CO2, or more generally forcings or other model inputs, generating volcanic eruptions, experiment with geoengineering) or for systematic sensitivity studies: running the same source code with different parameters”

  • W2 - Workflow “Analyzing and comparing existing simulation outputs (CMIP, etc.)”

  • W3 - Workflow “Analyzing and comparing model outputs against observations (co-design)”

  • W4 - Workflow “ESM outputs used as input for different models or studies (downscaling, transport modelling/tracking, impacts)”

  • W5 - Workflow “Developing an Earth System Model with source modifications, new parameterizations, possible automated testing”

  • W6 - Workflow “Running an Earth System Model in an intercomparison framework (well defined protocol)”

  • W7 - Workflow “Developing diagnostics and performance metrics tools for routine evaluation of Earth System Models in CMIP”